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Referee Shortcodes

Chris 4 years ago in Shortcodes updated 4 years ago 9

Hello Andrei,

I'm a Premium user and  I'm building a referee blog and your plugin looks amazing. Sadly, I can't find how to put in a post information about the referees that are in a match. It seems the shortcode is no created right?

Is it expected any time soon? It's key for what I need.

Searching answer


It will be fixed in the next core version release.

Thanks you very much for the update Andrei!!

Is there any way to make it appear in the shortcodeall the 4 officials and not just the (1) main referee?

This is how itis looking a post right now (just the main ref)

But I want to show all the refs of the match:

PS: I owe you a beer

Hello Andre! Sorry? Any idea if this can be developed?

Hello Chris,

The referees' section has been added to the Match shortcode.

Please specify where do you want to show referees?

Hello Andrei,

The request is to add all the 4 referees into the Shortcode. Right now when a shortcake is published it only shows the Referee not all the referees of a game.


In this post you can see 3 shortcakes, in each one there is a game and only the ref is show.

If you click on any match (as this example) you will see that the game has, besides the ref, 2 assistants and a 4th official that is not shown in the post using the shortcode.

The idea is that the shortcode shows all the officials of the match, not just the referee.


Yes, this layout (is called "slim") doesn't allow to show all referees at this moment.

I'll think about it. Maybe will be added soon.

Got it, that would be great! Thanks Andrei