Under review

Previously postponed matches to play today does not show by AnWP at all!

Edwin Dee 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

Arsenal vs Liverpool play today 20 Jan 2022, but it was previously scheduelled for an earlier date and was postponed. Today, AnWP plugin does not show it on the website. There is no trace of this match ( and even Barcelona match today which was postponed earlier) on the website. I checked with the API data with a call and both matches are listed to play today, but this is not reflected in AnWP.... Please fix this, as there always postponed matches which will be played later.

Under review

Hello Edwin

Do these games have the correct date? Do you have a scheduled "update kickoff" action?

The plugin couldn't import LIVE games with an incorrect old date. It is impossible. 


Best Regards

Andrei S.

yes the plugin DOES have a auto update kickoff and I even did it manually for all leagues, still no show up...