
please how to import next matchs of Africa nations Cup?

alex54 3 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 14

thank you, but when i try to creat i lose the competition when i choose  multi-turn secondary   and no main lap id

my best regards

thank you, something is wrong with me, whe i do that i lose the competition

my best regards 

thank you, something is wrong with me, whe i do that i lose the competition

Which competition did you lose?

Did you convert Group Stage to multistage main?


Best Regards

Andrei S.

thank you andrei, africa nations cup, when i convert i lose the competition, 

my best regards

You should convert the main competition into the Main Stage.

Then create a new one and set it as a secondary stage.

Did you check this tutorial?

- https://anwppro.userecho.com/en/knowledge-bases/2/articles/1469-how-to-create-competition-with-multiple-stages-v2


Best Regards

Andrei S.

i know but i lose the competition when i set it in secondary stage, so that i said that there's something wrong

When you create a secondary stage, it is visible in stages.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

i created a new  africa nations cup competition and i would like to import it  but i don't find it in  the local competition , 

my best regards 

If you want to create a new Competition instead of an existing one, you should remove an old competition and empty trash. 

Then remove all its games and Standing tables  + empty trash.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

thank you very much 

my best regards 

all cups competitions french cup,  spanish cup etc .... have problems no update matchs