
Matches Generator

Andrei S. (Developer) 6 years ago in Competition updated by Remco 4 months ago 17 2 duplicates
Duplicates 2

Is about to say when it will give the match generator for dire premium version?

If you have any ideas on how to do it and how it must look like, please share. It will really help.

Unfortunately I am not a coder, it will not be that easy.

But I know Joomla has a component that generates games. This is called JSM.

Here are game days for a league generated, and this directly from the game.

The only thing you have to enter is matchdays plus teams.

Also the script LMO 4.0 has this on board. Here are also game days in the format round robin, so everyone against each, generated.

Here you could perhaps look how it has been implemented.


I'll check these scripts.


I'm thinking of how to do it better.

Maybe I'll create an Excel-like spreadsheet (like data import tool for players and teams) with generate matches option. 

This would also be a possibility, since there are indeed Excel tools, they erstllen then the desired game days.

Here is only the question in which form the teams and league is recognized.

As Exempale(sorry its in German):

The columns K-M show the games of the first round, the columns S-U show the second half.
Of course you could import these with a data import tool.

How then the comparison with the existing teams would happen Coder question, here I can not help unfortunately.
Maybe a name match of the teams that already exist plus the league for which the game plan should count.


The team will be recognized by its site name.


In the top of the table I will add dropdowns:

Competition >> Round >> Group

Very soon I'll start working on this feature.


Cool. If you add this future i will buy it without doubts. 

Also a plus could be setting the hours. For example that one season all the matches were at 7:00pm then the match generator create all matches at 7:00 pm only

That sounds good.

make it available for the free version :P

Under review

Новая версия будет выпущена очень скорою Там будет реализован похожий функционал.



v0.9.3 has been released with new Import Matches tool - https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/425-import-matches-tool-how-to-use


Generator will be added later. Now you may use Excel generators. The tutorial above has an example.

Normally, in football (soccer), matches are generated by Berger tables.

Here are details how to generate matches according to Berger Tables.


hello suport,

i need an installer for this Api i just paid for it 

I assume when clubs are entered and game-dates as well, the plugin will create a tournament-bracket automatically. Is that correct?