
Matches Not Updating

chanyaoliver 1 year ago in Import API updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 3

Kindly help out. i'm trying to update games/matches but they aren't updating. For example today on 11th may 2023 on UEFA Uropa league we have Juventus vs Sevilla, i have been updating my API Since morning but untill now that match has not come yet, yesterday i did the same to a different league, and still the match didn't come, what could be the problem?


It was a good service 

Satisfaction mark by chanyaoliver 1 year ago
Under review


Did you add new stages/rounds in your Competition and map it with API?

- https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/1668-how-to-add-new-games-in-multistage-competition-v3

P.S.: if you need help? please create a support ticket

- https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/486-how-to-get-support


Best Regards

Andrei S.

I'm grateful, the last step worked for me. Now would you mind directing me when I want to change a league season for example say, from EPL 2022- 2023 to 2023-2024


You should create a new season and then create a new competition.


Best Regards

Andrei S.