
Run all buttons once / in popup Import Competition Configrurtion

Mahmoud Zughbor 2 years ago in Import API updated 2 years ago 2

Image 6960

I think it'll be great if the pro version has a new button named <Run all>  like creating games then updating players and then updating the finished all in one click, so it'll be faster for the user and so Titanic, I know a lot will consume of API requests, but you can add a note or actually warning the user to check their API status before that.

or don't activate that button if the user has less than 1000 remaining requests maybe.

Hi @MahmoudZughbor


here you find a Topic about your request. It is available but only for some "Top Leagues" 

Andrei wrote that he will add maybe some more by the time.


Yeah, you are right, I know that automatic exists for some of the leagues but when I thought about it as a redundancy task I do, I can auto a script to save me some time, but it'll be a stupid thing and a lot of bugs to save like an hour for a week! but code will be sufficient if it's come from the plugin itself, thanks