
Conditional code to use in Layout Builder

Niko 12 months ago in Competition updated 12 months ago 2

There is a way/code that I can use in Layout Builder to show different text according to %leaguecoutry% or %competition id% using text block type?

- I add a text block type in my layout builder
- If league_country == Italy = show Italian Message
- else if league_country == England = show english message

- and so on...

There is a similar functionality for SEO: 
[IF%league_country%] your conditional content [ENDIF%league_country%]




Hello Niko

There is a way/code that I can use in Layout Builder to show different text according to %leaguecoutry% or %competition id% using text block type?

No. But you can create different layouts for different leagues and add the text want.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

got it, thanks!