
I couldn't fix this design problem (Standing Table)

Ozgun 12 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 12 months ago 6

Hello, I tried to edit the problem in the photo, but I couldn't find how to do it. While there is no problem on the desktop, the design shifts in this way from mobile. Can you help?

Under review


Please provide more info about your problem.


Best Regards

Andrei S.


The problem is in "ezoic-autoinsert-ad" which inserts a block inside a table and breaks its layout.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Hi, indeed the problem is fixed, thank you. I need your help with another problem.

When I turn on Ezoic's cache feature, cached data appears instead of current data, especially on match pages and other stats. Can you help me figure out which files - or which folder - or parameter should be excluded to solve this problem? I know this is not your case, but I would be very happy if you would prefer to help. Thank you from now.


Try to activate Full Page cache support (see screenshot). Maybe it will help.

Image 7402


Best Regards

Andrei S.

I have it set to 'full' as well. but it doesn't work

Unfortunately, I have no ideas.

Ask Ezoic support for help.


Best Regards

Andrei S.