Not a bug

Standing table discrepancy

DonnaA 4 months ago in Standing updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 months ago 3

I'm tried to add some negative points to a team as a deduction, but for some reason it's adding it as an additional draw result, so showing that they've drawn an extra time when they haven't played an extra match.  This is only doing it on 1 of the standing tables, but not another one where I've added negative points.

What's the reason for this, how do I resolve it?

Not a bug


If you want to add negative points, use the Initial points on the Standing table edit page.

Image 9359


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Hi Andrei,

Thanks I'm doing that, but it's changing the number of games the team has drawn from 3 to 4 and reducing the games lost from 12 to 11.

I've deleted the initial points, but now the table hasn't updated to be back to Drawn 3 and lost to 12.  I've manually calculated the results and they have only drawn 3 times and lost 12 times, so the standing table is incorrect.

but it's changing the number of games the team has drawn from 3 to 4 and reducing the games lost from 12 to 11.

Initial points don't affect the number of games or drawns in automatic calculation.

Maybe you have a custom outcome for one game.


Best Regards

Andrei S.