
Missing images after competition creation

Mirek 2 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 1

Hi, the last competition missing images like a league logos. players photos. When I was creating the competitions i didn't notice that my hard drive is full. So i updated hard drive space re run player update and nothink

Should i delete competitions and recreate again?

Satisfaction mark by Mirek 2 months ago


To update player photos.

1) Activate the option to reset squad on Update in API Import settings (see screenshot)

Image 9417

2) Then go to the API Leagues, find your League and click on DB icon. Then Update Players and Squads for All Clubs

Image 9419

To Update tournament logos

1) Open Tournament for editing and remove images (see screenshot)

Image 9420

2) Then go to the API Leagues, find your League, and click on the DB icon. You will have an option to update tournament logo.

Image 9421

P.S.: If you need help, create a support ticket (not Ideas) - https://support.anwp.pro/knowledge-bases/2/articles/486-how-to-get-support

Image 9416


Best Regards

Andrei S.