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Stats not updating

Stéphane PAPES 2 months ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 1

Dear Andrei,

I have a big issue with the plugin.
After new games, tables, ranking scorers ... are not updating. It is very frustrating.
I created a page with the follwing shortcu

[anwpfl-stat-players stat="goals" calculation="sum" competition_id="199" multistage="0" season_id="" league_id="" club_id="" type="" nationality="" limit="10" soft_limit="0" min_games="" min_minutes="" sort="desc" date_from="" date_to="" days_offset="" days_offset_to="" matchweeks="" stadium_id="" include_ids="" exclude_ids="" club_logo="1" show_position="1" links="1" photos="1" show_flag="1" games_played="0" minutes_played="1" digits="" show_full="0" hide_zero="1" player_name="" one_line="0" max_width="" min_width="" first_em="1" custom_header="" custom_header_tag="div"]

And it is not updating, can you please help or let me know what am I doing wrong.


Searching answer


Please create a support ticket and send me the URLs to problematic pages. You may have full-page caching or something else.

- https://support.anwp.pro/knowledge-bases/2/articles/486-how-to-get-support


Best Regards

Andrei S.