Team and Match statistics not displayed in live matches

Neto Oliveira 4 days ago updated 8 hours ago 4

The team stats block during the live match is not showing. See the example below for both matches.

We created the layout for live matches and added the block, but for some reason it does not appear. 

See the example below of the live match without the stats block.

Can you help?

Image 9790

Image 9789

Also see the same match live on the example site:

Image 9788

Under review


Have you activated it in settings?

Image 9794


Best Regards

Andrei S.

But I don't see these options on your screenshot.

Have you installed the latest plugin version?


Best Regards

Andrei S.

This was the problem, outdated plugin. I didn't know that I should upload a new file every time, is there no automatic update of the plugin? Thank you!!!!