Under review

Can't update some leagues after server shutdown

Mirek 5 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 months ago 5

Yesterday, my server stopped working. After a restart, the website came back online, and everything seemed to be working. However, it turned out that several issues appeared.

The live update stopped working for two leagues: La Liga and Ligue 1. Some matches, even though they have finished, do not have updated scores.

I also noticed that the dates have changed for some matches. For example, the match between Celta Vigo and Real Madrid was on 19.10.2024, but if you check the website, it shows that the match was supposed to be played on 20.10.2015.

Additionally, the matches from 19.10.2024 are missing.

Check here
Celta Vigo

I removed all matches from La liga but didn't help

Under review


Have you run "Update Kickoff Time" & "Update Finished Games" tasks?

P.S.: you have created a public topic.

To get help, create a support ticket - https://support.anwp.pro/knowledge-bases/2/articles/486-how-to-get-support

Image 9818


Best Regards

Andrei S.

yes I did all response are 400

Have you run the Plugin Health tool? Is everything OK?

Image 9819


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Under review

Create a support ticket - https://support.anwp.pro/knowledge-bases/2/articles/486-how-to-get-support

and provide a screenshot of the error you have got on updating finished games.


Best Regards

Andrei S.