
Club Squad Shortcode

almanacco 5 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago 4
Is it possible to create a shortcode to insert the matches played by a single squad in a competition to display it on the layout page of each single team?

*matches played by a single team


In the free version, you can put the shortcode in Bottom content or override the club template file (PHP knowledge required ).


The Premium version has the layout builder with different blocks and the ability to use shortcodes with dynamic variables.

Hi Andrei, Happy New year. Maybe I didn't explain myself the other time.
 I have the Premium version of the plugin. My site is about football leagues in Sicily, over 200 tournaments. this is an example page of a team competing in various tournaments. I would like you to help me, if possible, to create a shortcode to view the games played divided by competitions and not in chronological order. happy new year again and thank you for your work