
Possible to show top x in tablewidget

Hans Petter 5 years ago in Standing updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 10

An option to show eg. top three at the tablewidget, and a link to full table. At the moment there is all or nothing, but If you run a site with many divisions it takes a lot of space on your front page to show a short table for all leagues.



Satisfaction mark by Hans Petter 4 years ago


it's better to use it for each team in table shortcode with %club_id%

for example like it:

also for all widgets tables (full palyers - for scorers, full matches - for calendars)


added in v0.10.23

Andrei, thanks for this update. But if it possible to create CSS code for button as like in FL Matches widget??? it more better look like

and added button for FL Players widget (for view all players - scorers) ??? 

You can create a general "Text" widget.

Then put a shortcode generated in "Shortcode Builder" (Football Leagues >> Shortcode) into it.

And add any button you like at the bottom.


If you need help with button/link HTML code, let me know.

[anwpfl-standing title="" id="8885" exclude_ids="" layout="mini" partial="" bottom_link="competition" link_text="Повна таблиця"]

and now i must add CSS code for button?? 
Can you write the same code as like in FL Matches widget


This is from the player widget.

Change "%your_link%" and "%link_text%" to yours.

<a href="%your_link%>" class="btn btn-outline-secondary w-100 text-center">%link_text%</a>

I added all parameters

<div class="anwp-b-wrap">
        <p class="text-center mt-1">
            <a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary w-100" target="_blank" href="%your_link%" rel="noopener noreferrer">%your_text%</a>

So now everything looks great!!!!




Useful tip: The plugin is based on Bootstrap 4. 

You can change "btn-outline-secondary" class to another if you want. 

Available classes here - https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/buttons/