
Translation function / Ukrainian lang

Sergiy Novikov 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 4

Hi all! 

Tell me please if it possile to add Translation function for your plugin where we can translate all possition what we want to another lang. 

Also if you can add ukrainian lang of how i can translate all ??? 

As like made it another plugins.... 

Image 1453


Yes, this feature will be added soon.


If the translation is very urgent, you can use Loco Translate plugin 

- Install Loco Translate - https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/

- Go to the Loco Translate >> Plugins and select Football Leagues by AnWP.pro plugin.

- Click on "New Language" and select your site language.

- Recommended to set default Custom location to prevent translation reverting.

- Then click the "Start Translation" button.


If you will use Loco Translate, you will be able to translate all strings.


I don't know. Maybe you have any plugins to modify slug. Try to disable all other plugins and save match.

Andrey.. if it posible to add Permanent link for "Edit Match"
as like we can do it in "edit club" , "edit players"....

So i can edit match url as i need


But I recommend you to change "Match slug generated with" option to "club slug".
