Will be answered

Aneto theme shortcut issue.

George 3 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 7

Hi i have installed the thene but the aneto shortcuts don't works. Any idea how to solve this issue.

Will be answered


Please provide more details. What shortcut (maybe shortcode) and where doesn't work?


Best Regards

Andrei S.


Yes when i was use the theme Aneto there was an A in an icon and when i hover the mouse over it it was a tip "Aneto Shortcode", but when i click it nothing hapens.

I have and another more important question for me. In plugin there is a layout builder and i want to build 3 different layouts for competition like the examples in your demo pro page. How we can select which one goes to diferent page. For example you have diferrent layout for EC qualification, other for IT... etc.. Thanks.

and another issue is that, there isn't a menu bar with aneto theme when i browse from my mobile. The same issue there is and with your demo premium site. Please check. 

Yes when i was use the theme Aneto there was an A in an icon and when i hover the mouse over it it was a tip "Aneto Shortcode", but when i click it nothing hapens.

This button doesn't work in some cases in the last WordPress versions. Hope it will be fixed soon.

How we can select which one goes to diferent page.

You can put competition ID in Display Options metabox.

and another issue is that, there isn't a menu bar with aneto theme when i browse from my mobile. The same issue there is and with your demo premium site. Please check.

Main Menu is hidden on mobile. You should use offcanvas menu.

Thank you for  your answers. 

Can you please give me a screen shoot where is or how i can find this "display options metabox" to make my test. Sorry but i can't find it.  Thank You.

hi any update for the last question 



Best Regards

Andrei S.