
Can you add FIBA rankings criteria's for standings?

Murat Köse 6 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 6 years ago 4

First of all, thanks for this useful plugin. We have a basketball website and publishing federation's youth basketball matches' scores and also standings. We used another plugin for a long time but now decided to change it with your plugin. But we have a major problem with standings sorting criterias. Our federation apply FIBA ranking criterias on standings. I will write them below... Can you add extra sorting criterias for basketball standings in new releases... We like this plugin and want to use it on long term. So if this update happen, we will support it forever :) We can talk details later... Now just want to know if it's possible...


D.1 Procedure
D.1.1 Teams shall be classified according to their win-loss record, namely 2 classification
points for each game won, 1 classification point for each game lost (including lost by
default) and 0 classification point for a game lost by forfeit.
D.1.2 The procedure is to be applied for all competitions with a round-robin system.
D.1.3 If 2 or more teams have the same win-loss record of all games in the group, the
game(s) between these 2 or more teams shall decide on the classification. If these 2
or more teams have the same win-loss record of the games between them, further
criteria shall be applied in the following order:
• Higher game points difference of the games between them.
• Higher number of game points scored in the games between them.
• Higher game points difference of all games in the group.
• Higher number of game points scored in all games in the group.
If still tied before all games have been played in the group, tied teams shall share the
same ranking. If these criteria still cannot decide at the end of the group phase, a
draw shall decide on the final classification.
D.1.4 If at any level of these criteria one or more team(s) are already classified, the procedure of D.1.3 shall be repeated from the beginning for all the remaining teams not
classified yet.

I can share examples if you want...

Under review


Yes, it's possible.


I working on a premium add-on with extra functionality. Will be available later this month. 

It has standing columns builder. And all columns can be used for standing ranking sorting.

"Higher game points difference of the games between them." Such rules will be added later. Maybe in a few months. 

It is called in soccer "head to head" matches. I had such types of ranking rules in my soccer specific plugin and will adopt them later to the "Sports Leagues" plugin.

I'll notify you when premium addon will be ready.


Features in premium addon (already done):

  • widget - Next Game with counter
  • widget - Calendar
  • widget - GameDay Slides
  • Bracket layout
  • Layout Builder (Game, Team, Player)
  • Game Scoreboard with image background
  • Team Trophies
  • Results Matrix shortcode
  • Extended Standing Columns Builder
  • Conference and Division support
  • + more features coming soon

Thank you so much! This is exciting :)