Under review

Classic slider issues with number of slides to show

ramadanitaip 4 years ago updated by Irene Frigerio 3 years ago 6

The classic slider is exactly the design for posts I wanted but is very frustrating. I spent so much time trouble shooting.

I added a simple classic slider and set Slides to show 4 (desktop) 2 (tablet) 1 (mobile).

On firefox and Edge, it shows one slide only on desktop (stretched from one end to the other). On Chrome it shows 4 slides correct;y.  On my phone it shows two slides - instead of 1 (squashed). No matter what i try - this doesn't work. 

Under review


Maybe you have a style or JS conflict on your site.

Send me a link, and I'll check it out.

P.S.: you can check the Classic slider on the demo site here - https://grid.anwp.pro/

Good morning,
i have the same problem as you solved?
Maybe you have a style or JS conflict on your site.
Send me a link, and I'll check it out.

Try to disable - "HT Mega – Absolute Addons for Elementor Page Builder" plugin and let me know about the result

Grazie mille ora funziona!!