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I paid the premium version of 4 dollars through Paypal and when I finished the payment

FABIO RODRÍGUEZ MELÉNDEZ 1 year ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 3

I paid the premium version of 4 dollars through Paypal and when I finished the payment I was directed to the main page of https://www.anwp.pro/. You didn't give me any activation key, nor did I receive any email from the activation process, could you please tell me?

Under review


All payments and license management are handled by freemius platform.

Log in to it and find your license in the "Licenses" section.

- https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/485-how-to-disable-or-manage-your-subscription


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Please create a private ticket. Maybe you have entered an incorrect email during the payment process.


Best Regards

Andrei S.