
Add League Question

Kivanc 3 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 3

Hi Andrei, i want to add all the leagues at once. Is there any way for this? Because i'm adding leagues one by one and it waste time a lot. Thanks.

Will be answered


Please provide more info.

- Do you use API import?

- Do you mean Leagues or Competitions?


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Hello again, yes i'm using API import. I create legue and competition but only once competition create match data get from API. This is a during waste my time. For example i created 20 competition and league. Then i'm want to get match data for api at the same time for all. I hope I was able to explain myself. Sorry for bad english :)


Unfortunately, there is no way to create leagues automatically at this moment.

I plan to improve this process, but it is not an easy task.


Best Regards

Andrei S.