Competition List
[anwpfl-competition-list league_ids="" season_ids="" include_ids="" exclude_ids="" group_by="" display="" show_logo="1" show_flag="big"]
Shortcode Arguments - Filter
- league_ids – (optional) - list of comma-separated League IDs.
- season_ids – (optional) - list of comma-separated Season IDs.
- include_ids – (optional) - list of comma-separated Competition IDs to include. Has the highest priority.
- exclude_ids – (optional) - list of comma-separated Competition IDs to exclude.
Shortcode Arguments - Display
- group_by – (optional) “country”,”country_collapsed” or ""(empty, default - without groupping)
- display – (optional) - "league", "league_season" or "" (empty, default - competition title)
- show_logo – (optional) - 0/1 (no/yes). Show competition logo.
- show_flag - (optional) - "big", "small" or "" (empty - hide country flag)
Customer support service by UserEcho
thank you.
it's very useful to add group_by - league
How do I want the order of the competitions?
Eg Order by ID,
please if you got an answer or solved it , please post the result
Is it possible to show "Top European Leagues" and "Worlds best football leagues"
Hola: intento colocar nuevamente el código en una página pero no lo respeta, lo toma como texto. No se si sea por la versión antigua que tengo.
Por otro lado preguntar si es posible asignar un punto extra a los equipos que ganan en la serie de penalti. ?