Import data from "" (v3)

Premium Version Only (since v0.13.0)

1. Choose API Import subscription plan at

Go to and select the subscription plan you want. 

For most users, a PRO plan will suffice.

Recommended using a direct subscription -

After registration, you are on a Free plan with 100/requests per day and some limitations per minute/hour.

To buy a subscription see the screenshot below.

P.S.: I am not affiliated with this API. It is a third-party API used to import data into the Football Leagues plugin. Although it has room for improvement, it is still worth the money compared to other APIs in this price range.

Image 3920

2. Set API key and Import Settings

Go to the "FL+ Configurator" (2) >> "Import API" (3), enter your API key (4), and set the request URL (5). 

If you buy a subscription on RapidAPI, set "RapidApi account" or set "Direct" if you buy a subscription in

Then check API Import functionality (6) you want and save.

Image 3921

If you plan to use advanced club and players statistics, go to the "Settings & Tools" >> "FL+ Statistics":

- for the club statistics >> click "Add Them All" in "Available API Club Advanced Statistics"

- for the player statistics >> click "Load API Stats Structure"

Image 3923

Image 3922

3. Create Import Configuration

Import Regular Round-Robin Competition

Tutorial - API Import Configuration: Round-Robin Competition (like regular national league)

Youtube video

Import Multistage Competition

Tutorial - API Import Configuration: Multistage Competition (like international cup)

Youtube video

Add active leagues to the Dashboard for operational management.

Image 3952

4. Create Standing Tables (optional)

Go to the "Competitions" (1) >> "Standing Tables" (2) and click "Add New Standing Table" (3)

Image 3924

Select appropriate competition and click "Select".

Image 3925

Image 3926

Set proper Ranking Rules and other settings and Save.

5. Create page templates in Layout Builder (optional)

I can use the free plan, to add a championship to test ?

How do I choose a league with the free plan?


Yes, you can use a free plan. But do not import players because it requires a lot of requests. And use a direct subscription (not rapid-api).

How do I choose a league with the free plan?

Follow the tutorial above.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

How to add the channel name that streams the match. Ex.: Eurosport, fox tv and so on

I'm suddenly having a problem!

Request failed with status code 400Error/Missing application key. Go to to learn how to get your API application key.

i am thinking to build my app on this widget and API. Is the project still alive? Lookes like they stopped responding a year ago 

Is 1GB DB enough for the project? What is the rule for past and future fixtures? What I mean is. How far in the future will the fixtures be loaded and at what point will the past fixtures be deleted?

Can I import API also to AnWP Sports Leagues Premium? Where do I do that? Thank you.

I am working on implementing NFL import to the Sports Leagues plugin. I hope it will be ready in a week.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Hm, I wish to import API Football, but for volleyball, to AnWP Sports Leagues Premium. Is that possible? Or will that be possible and when? Thank you. All best, Marko

Hi, can I ask you again. Is possilbe to import API on AnWP Sports Leagues Premium plugin, as you explained in the article above for Football Leagues Plugin? Thank you for your explanation. All best, take care, Marko


I wish to import API Football, but for volleyball

The API for volleyball data contains only a limited amount of information.

For example, see game output -

Only scores, no lineups, no game stats, no game events.

I am thinking of adding another data provider support for other sports. But it will require much time to implement. 

Please reach out to me again in 2-3 months with the same question.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Thank you for your explanation. I will.

Hi, Andrei! I have an issue with import API football. When I Run Wizard I get error "Competition create error". How to fix it?


Create a support ticket and send me a screensot of your error.



Best Regards

Andrei S.

Facing issue in IMPORT DATA FROM "API-FOOTBALL.COM" Dashboard Actions. 

I set to run it automatically, And it was working fine from last 2 months. But from last 1 week its not working properly, I always need to click on RUN button to import UPDATE FINISHED GAMES, and all other data.

i use cloudflare it make me can't update score and Import API not working can you help me

I also use Cloudflare without a problem. Create a support ticket and provide more info.


Best Regards

Andrei S.