Club match formation

Premium Version Only

Image 27

Match formation is available in a special metabox at Match edit page. Drag and drop players into columns.

Image 28

Use Layout Builder to show Match Formation

Create a Match layout on Layout Builder and add the Match Formation block to it.

Image 1097

More info:



Using empty placeholder

Free space is distributed in the column among the players proportionally. You can use an empty placeholder to create complex structures.

Image 407

Club shirt selecting priority

  1. Match Option ( Edit Match >> Match Data >> Premium Options >> Home or Away Club Shirt in Formation )
  2. Appropriate SVG Shirt ( Edit Club >> Premium Options >> Shirt Home >> SVG image ). For away club is used “home” if away is missed.
  3. Shirt Solid Color
  4. Main Club Color (empty shirt filled with the main club color).
  5. Default colors (red and blue)

Image 408

Number Stroke Color

“Number Stroke Color” is used for better number readability. See screenshot below.

Image 30

Create a Custom SVG Shirt in 5 minutes

Youtube video
  1. Download prepared SVG file. Right click >> Save link as.
  2. Create an SVG image in a free online editor Figma – – See video
  3. Export created SVG file from Figma and open it with your default text editor.
  4. Copy code and paste into SVG image field.
  5. Set number color and stroke if needed.

Image 31

Image 32

Image 33

Is it possible to change the orientation of the field to be vertical?

can we change the field photo?



Best Regards

Andrei S.

Hi Andrei, for licensing reasons, I have replaced the team logos with jersey images. This works well so far. Would it be possible to add an image upload function also for the "Club match formation" to avoid the work of creating a SVG manually?

Image 8709

Здравствуйте Андрей. Как можно изменить svg форму вратаря?

Will this be made available in the Frontend Edit for User Role "Club Captain" too or is perhaps already implemented?