Game Events

Image 788

Create New Game Event

Go to the "Sports Leagues" >> "Game Events".

Fill the Event name (the field is required).

Add Event icon.

Set display options.

Image 328

Attach Event to a Game

You can manage Game events in the "Game Events" metabox at the game edit page.

Image 329

Show in the Players Block

Image 330

Image 331


Show in the Game Header

Image 332

Image 333

Is this article helpful for you?

Having a multiple entries and save the events at the same time like below. It will assist with time consumption and effectiveness. having four to five entries of events at a time for a specific team.


Team  Player  Assist  Time

Team Player Assist Time

Team Player Assist Time

Team Player Assist Time


team player Yellow/2nd Yellow/red time

team player Yellow/2nd Yellow/red time

team player Yellow/2nd Yellow/red time

team player Yellow/2nd Yellow/red time


Team   Player in   Player out   Time

Team Player in Player out Time

Team Player in Player out Time

Team Player in Player out Time


It is not possible. You have to create events only one by one on the Game edit page.

Hello.... Can you have game events be tied to Player Stats? Is this possible?