
Tabs for 1 week of matches ..

salzoabi 4 years ago in Match updated 4 years ago 3

I was able to make 7 tabs for 1 week of matches using shortcodes. The shortcode was brilliant, dynamic and flexible. The problem is with tabs, I tried all methods to change tab names to date, but I failed.

for example  [ Dec 1 - Dec 2 - Dec 3 - Dec 4 - Dec 5 - Dec 6 - Dec 7 ] .. where Dec 4 is the active tab, which is the current day. Tomorrow, Dec 5 will be the active tab, and dates shift to [Dec 2 - Dec 3 - Dec 4 - Dec 5 - Dec 6 - Dec 7 - Dec 8].

I think this is an easy task to do, but I have no knowledge on how to accomplish this on wordpress.


I actually managed to create a php page and used all shortcodes to make it .. If anyone would like my work, I am happy to share it .. 

yes, i would like it



----- How to use it -----

extract this zip into your wp-content/themes/your-theme

move weekly-matches.css file to wp-content/themes/your-theme/css

move weekly-matches.js file to wp-content/themes/your-theme/js

that's it!

Now go create a wp-content page .. choose template [weekly-matches] .. that's it .. choose a name for your page .. then in your menu .. add this page as a link .. 

There are 3 lines in Arabic in weekly-matches.php .. make sure you change them to Yesterday .. Today .. Tomorrow .. or you can just mimic the codes of other lines and make these lines as dates .. the choice is yours.