Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community
Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug
Rules in short:
Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.

Next match - TV broadcaster
Would it be possible to develop a new feature to enter the TV channel that will broadcast the match?
The channel could appear on several displays as "next match" (see example).
Thank you!

Poll for each match - (MVP of the match)
Dear Sir, I would like to ask if it is possible to include a poll for each match. This poll could be about MVP of the match, so I can use it for statistics!!! Thank you very much in advance!!!
Sincerely his team

Add players not in database as TEXT to a match
I want to be able to add players to a match which are not from the players database, but simply stored as plain text. Nothing will happen when you click on them, as they are not connected to a player in the database. So instead of picking a player in the line up, you just type in his/her name.

Yellow card for trainers and employees
It is now also possible for trainers and employees to receive a yellow or red card. But at the moment you can only select players. It might be worth considering that in the future you can also select the trainers/employees.

New Rules: Cards for trainers and other team stuff
Football rules changed.
It would be great to have the possibility to give the match Event "Cards" (yellow, yellow-red, red) to Trainers and stuff, cause the Trainers and stuffs behaviour is part of the fair Play result of a team

TV Channels Broadcaster
Would it be possible to develop a new feature to enter the TV channel that will broadcast the match by country ?
Thank you

Compare competitionstats in preview
Possible to compare competitionstats between opponents in matchpreview. See example:

Notification/alert alternative for viewer
It will be great to give this option to the visitor/viewer to choose to get an alert for a certain match. Please see attached image, something like this.

Editor in Match Events
Hi Andrey!
Will it possible to add edit function to "Match Events"?For ex: i had a mistakes in some position and i must to fix them - so it's easily edit than delete and add new event again,
Customer support service by UserEcho