Progress - 75%

All Seasons page

Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago in Player updated by nick tsiantakis 2 years ago 6

Image 2451


- Player

- Team


Really hope this feature will be added. Being able to see player stats for all seasons on the same page would be so much easier than having to change seasons all the time using the selector.


Is there a possibility to change the location of the menu? Now it is above the bio text but I want it below.


Hi Andrei. Congratulations on the much needed update of this features. Pretty sure it is one of the most demanded feature by the plugins user. One question though, what is the sorting is based upon? It seems that my competition listed not in yearly order (see attached), eventhough I painstakingly change the Season and Year published date - eg Season 2012 - published date 1 January 2012, Season 2013 - published date 1 January 2013 and so on.


Create a support ticket and send me a link to this URL.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Hello Andrei, I have the same.

thanks Nick