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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.

Progress - 50%

Workflow Improvements

Славик Урчик 5 years ago in Player updated by Slavik Urchik 6 months ago 53

Planned UI and WorkFlow improvements


- action to set Club In as Player's current club

- action to add a player to the "Club In" squad

- set Club Out automatically


- action to Create new Transfer (on changing club, for example)

- action to add a player to the Club squad


- Check for inconsistent data in the Match edit page (Scores, Stats, Events)

- add a new Player selector UI (tabs for squad, current club, previous games, all players, and new player form)

- add actions to add players to the team squad


 - action to Create new Transfer (on changing club, for example)

- action to change player current club in Squad


--Original Message--

Андрей, привет.
Я не устаю радоваться данному модулю, и с нетерпением жду новых обновлений.
Приделу идеала нет, по этому отправляю свою идею по оптимизации некоторых процессов. 

К примеру:

1. если создаю игрока и выбираю в котором он клубе числится, то чтоб автоматом заявлен за данный клуб (скрины ниже).
Сейчас работает так: игрока создаю и указываю в котором он клубе числится, но если не зайду в сам клуб и не добавлю его в список игроков то он и не отображается в матчах.

2. Такая же ситуация и в трансферах, после проведенного трансфера опять таки нужно вручную заявлять в список игрока дабы он появлялся в матчах в списке.
Как по мне было бы очень удобно чтоб он был заявлен за клуб сразу после того как провел трансфер.

Спасибо, за внимание :)

Image 824

Image 825

Image 826

Progress - 75%

All Seasons page

Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago in Player updated by nick tsiantakis 2 years ago 6

Image 2451


- Player

- Team


More player positions

Sebastian J. 5 years ago in Player updated by Ricardo Sá 2 months ago 1

It would be nice if you could enter more than 4 player positions.

Not only strikers and defenders and so on ..

But also, right defender, right wing and so on.



Andrei S. (Developer) 6 years ago in Player updated by Clarke 5 years ago 7

Player Statistic

Andrei S. (Developer) 6 years ago in Player updated 2 years ago 4 2 duplicates

- Custom Player Statistics builder - v0.9.7

- show stats on Match page - v0.9.7

- New rendering blocks, widgets, and shortcodes will be added in the nearest future.


- Custom Player Statistics

Custom Statistics on Match page

Image 978

Statistic Configurator

Image 979


Dynamic player position based on match

Dragos Stefanache 4 years ago in Player 0

Hi Andrei,

It is not uncommon for a player to play on different positions during different matches. A nice solution would be to allow the change of the position in a specific match, just as the t-shirt number can be changed.



Edit Player ID

darrenmelia 5 years ago in Player 0

I want to add players outside of the players the API imports. This issue is that sooner or later the API will import the same player. It would be good if you could edit the player ID or merge the 2 players.


When adding a transfer, player moves automatically at added date

Hans Petter 5 years ago in Player updated by anonymous 4 years ago 2

When adding a new transfer, is it possible that the player automatically changes club in the database to their new club, when the date added is reached? Now you have to do both the adding transfer, and then edit the player.


Random player profile on startpage

Sofi-Soao 6 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 6 months ago 1

Hi Andrei,

I am using the Pro Version of your cool Plugin. I am thinking about highlighting a random player of my team on the startpage with some stats like this?

Image 9027

Or if stats are not possible within this teaser it could also look like this:

Image 9028

Will it be possible to to something like this, with some the existing shortcodes?

Thank you!


Player's career continuation as a coach (referee) - Switcher (Link)

burylu3 2 years ago in Player 0
Currently, the plugin does not support the creation of one person with a career as a footballer and then continuation as a coach (player). Is it possible to create a link / switch to link the player profile and the other profile (the same person) as a coach referee ?