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Roles user WP

GaspareNet 4 years ago in User Roles updated 2 years ago 5

Users who log into the WP backend see the list of all teams, all matches etc ..

Is it possible to show them only the data they can modify?

If I assign a user to a team, this user can modify the matches from the frontend, it is also possible to have the team data modified, the list of players etc ...

Alternatively, is it possible to use a

Under review


Users who log into the WP backend see the list of all teams, all matches etc ..

What is it's WP role?

Now is contributor

If I change the user's permissions eg. to editor the problem remains .. The user has more permissions but always on all teams, matches,

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At this moment plugin doesn't have such functionality.

Maybe in future I'll add something to what you want.

It would be very helpful if a user of the site could be assigned to edit e.g., only the data of a league or team.