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Searching answer

Roles user WP

GaspareNet 3 years ago in User Roles updated 2 years ago 5

Users who log into the WP backend see the list of all teams, all matches etc ..

Is it possible to show them only the data they can modify?

If I assign a user to a team, this user can modify the matches from the frontend, it is also possible to have the team data modified, the list of players etc ...

Alternatively, is it possible to use a


User Role: Club Captain advanced options

Sebastian J. 5 years ago in User Roles updated 5 years ago 4


it would be nice if you as an admin would get a message that a club captain has made an entry.

Or that this game is specially marked in the admin overview.

Under review

Club page not showing active season staff

DonnaA 4 months ago in User Roles updated 4 months ago 8

I've added a staff member and assigned it to a team, however the staff member is not showing for the team in the active season (2024/2025), although on the club page it's set for the 2024/2025 season, but only showing the 2023/2024.  How do I get the club page to show the details for the active season?


is there a way of showing a list of the referees on the free version?

DonnaA 4 months ago in User Roles 0

I'd like a way to display a list of the referees so that teams can look for their contact details


melhorias no fluxo de editar equipe

123facilga 9 months ago in User Roles 0

Crie uma caixa de seleção na área do editor de clube para quem pode editar esta página, facilitando ao administrador do time a edição dos dados e no campo adicionar jogador insira um atalho para o administrador cadastrar seus jogadores


User Role: Club Captain: Fronted Match edit

Sebastian J. 6 years ago in User Roles updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 6 years ago 4


I have seen there is a new premium version. The changelog has been changed. The user role: Club Captain, with the possibility to change results in the fronted is not yet implemented?

Is this not planned, because I no longer see it in the planning for the future.

