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How can i create a next match shortcode

Dylan 2 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 2

Hey guys, I'm a little stuck with shortcodes.

My idea is to create a shortcode for the next upcoming match of the premier league of any team. When I do create a shortcode it asks me for the club ID which forces me to filter a specific club, and that's not what I am looking for. I want the latest upcoming match to be displayed of whatever teams are playing.  I want the next fixture to be displayed of the latest upcoming match without having to update it every time. Can someone please assist me with this issue?

[anwpfl-match-next club_id="" competition_id="" season_id="" show_club_name="1" match_link_text="- match preview -" exclude_ids=""]

Searching answer

Hi Dylan,

Club ID is a required field in the Next Match shortcode. But your idea is not bad and will need a small modification in the code.

I'll add such a possibility in the next release.


Best Regards

Andrei S.