
Next Match Widget to show more than one match

chicky365 2 years ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 12

It would  be good if the "Next Match" widget would allow to show more than one game. It would be useful if there was an option to select the number of games that you wanted to be shown in the widget -such as the next 2 or 3 fixtures.

you can use the matches shortcode setting limit ="3" date_from and filter_by_clubs

Thanks for the update. Its nice to know there is a workaround, although it would be great if the original widget had a simple dropdown, to select the number of matches to be shown.


in v 0.15.1 new Gutenberg blocks (and shortcodes) will have offset argument

- https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/11/articles/2758-v0151-work-in-progress


Best Regards

Andrei S.


I have uploaded the new update, but I am still unable to show more than one result in the widget?

Please could I have some help in showing the last two or even three results from the widget, as I am unable to follow the instructions given in the link?



Create two widgets and add an offset in the second.

Image 7300


Best Regards

Andrei S.


How do I do this if I am adding a widget to a sidebar, as I do not get the additional options?

Send me a screenshot of your sidebar.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Send me a screenshot of how you adding widgets to the sidebar. 

And I recommend creating a private ticket.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

i use the Appearance> Widgets menu in Wordpress and then drag & drop the FL Last Match widget over

Image 7313

Disable the Classic Widgets plugin.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

I have done that, but I still dont get the additional options I need?

Image 7314

You should not add Legacy Widget but new block widgets. See screenshot.

Image 7315


Best Regards

Andrei S.