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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Players who missing the next game / Игроки которые пропускает следующею игру

Славик Урчик 6 years ago in Widgets updated by Ivan Nikolov 2 years ago 12

please create widgets, with players who miss the next game.

who haave more yellow card or red card.


Stat clubs (Single Stat Value)

Falcon 4 years ago in Widgets updated 3 years ago 1

hello, make a widjets or shortcodes to compare clubs stats for the same competition , with a single stat value ( like goals , possession , corner ....)

thank you



nick tsiantakis 4 years ago in Widgets 0


These icons may be displayed auto?

Image 3071


stats panel for ref

Hans Petter 3 years ago in Widgets updated by amirsfc 3 years ago 1

Would like a same type of stats panel for referees, with following info:

Season matches/Totals

Season Yellow /Totals

Season Red/Totals


Hopefully this widget can be available in layout builder for both matches and for referees


Next match widget 2nd leg

chicky365 4 months ago in Widgets 0

Please can you add the ability to show the current score from the 1st leg, if the next match is showing the 2nd leg. 

It would be really useful to see that the next match is the 2nd leg and the outcome from the first game, so that both matches can be linked.


This Day In Football History

Slavik Urchik 4 years ago in Widgets 0

Андрей, привет.
Очередную головоломку подкину на "подумать".
Было бы круто иметь виджет, который бы выводил инфо, что произошло в текущий день в истории футбола :)
Главная проблема иметь вводную информацию, пока в поисках такого ресурса.
Но возможно когда-то будет интересно тебе реализовать такую затею :)


Option for a football pool

Peli 4 years ago in Widgets 0

Is it possible to at a football poule in the plugin?  


next match widget - week or round

chicky365 1 year ago in Widgets 0

Hi, It would be good if the Next Match Widget also included the Matchweek for league matches or the "Round" for cup games. 

At the moment it only shows the competition name and a match preview link plus team names, but it would be much better if it said "Match Week 3" or Quarter-final or Final etc....


Latest Result Widget does not show extra time or penalties - only the scoreline

chicky365 2 years ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

The Last Result widget only shows the scoreline, such as 1-1

If the match goes to extra time it does not show AET like the competition page does.

If the match goes to penalties, it does not show the Penalty result - like the competition match result does. For example, it shows a match result as 1-1, when in fact a team won on penalty shootout


Referee list

Hans Petter 3 years ago in Widgets 0

A list with a total-list for referees for the competition like the fairplay-table, so it is easier to compare the diffrent refs.

Containing name, total matches, total yellow, total red, and possibility for a score like the fairplay-system.