Will be answered

Hiow to get all tthe transfers data

Mirek 2 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3

Hi i have player  J.Madingu (J.Madingu (sporten.com)) as you can see I have only few transfers. But on the side Exauce Madingu - Player profile 2023 | Transfermarkt we have much more. 
To get all transfers should I import all the leagues. ?

Will be answered


To get all transfers should I import all the leagues. ?

Yes. The plugin fetches transfers data from https://www.api-football.com/ by club and saves data only for the selected competition season.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

I want to know if there is a way to link the Playre Id from the Wordpress site to the Player id from the API. This would allow me to fetch the transfer data for each player from the API when someone opens the Player View page, instead of importing all the leagues data into the Wordpress site.

You can find the Api Player ID in _anwpfl_iimport_mapping table.

See the screenshot. local_value is player ID on your website, external_value is the API Player ID

Image 7491


Best Regards

Andrei S.