Under review

Player Page

Erminio 2 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 5

Good Morning, when i create a Player, the corrispondant webpage is created by default (website.altervista.org/player/playername) but it shows a generic error page "page not found"...how to fix it?
Thank You

Under review


Flush your permalink settings.

Go to "Settings" >> "Permalinks" and click "Save Changes"

Image 9574


Best Regards

Andrei S.

I don't have this settings menu, 

Image 9575

i have the upper situation
i found a "flush" button in a link setting and tried it

Image 9576

but nothing changed.

The staff pages open normally

Thank you very much

Every admin has such a menu. It is WordPress settings, not the plugin. Look for it at the bottom left.


Best Regards

Andrei S.

thank you, i found the settings and saved changes, but nothing changed for the players's pages.

staff, teams, competitions, everything works fine except for players

Try to change "Fl player base" = "player" to another. 


Best Regards

Andrei S.