Will be answered

League Ranking Table Shortcode with Dynamic ID

Neto Oliveira 4 months ago in Shortcodes updated 4 months ago 4

I would like to add the league standings to the match page. How can I add the shortcode to get the league id of the match? Something like:

[anwpfl-standing title="" id="23444" exclude_ids="" layout="" partial="" bottom_link="competition" link_text="" show_notes="1"]

[anwpfl-standing title="" id="%competition_id%" exclude_ids="" layout="" partial="" bottom_link="competition" link_text="" show_notes="1"]

This way, the league table that is part of the match would be automatically displayed.

Example: https://jogoshoje.com.br/jogo/goias-operario-pr-2024-10-29/

Didn't work.

[anwpfl-standings competition_id="%competition_id%" match_id="" season_id="" club_id="" show_titles="1" layout="" partial="" bottom_link="" show_notes="1"]

Image 9856

Hi Neto Oliveira you need to add %season_id% too, then it works.

[anwpfl-standings competition_id="%competition_id%" match_id="" season_id="%season_id%" club_id="" show_titles="1" layout="" partial="" bottom_link="" show_notes="1"] 

Great! It works great now, thanks!