Searching answer

Is there any way to mark matches as postponed?

Barry 5 years ago in Match updated by Frank S 1 year ago 5

I have entered forthcoming fixtures for our league but Saturday's matches were postponed and will be played at a later date. The only way to stop these games showing as the next fixtures are to give them a result. I obviously don't want to do this as they will be replayed later. 

Searching answer

In which block you want to hide these matches? 

Hei Andrei,

even the Topic is quite old, the issue is still there.

When I use the following shortcode for England Premier League:

[anwpfl-matches competition_id="446744" show_secondary="0" season_id="2" league_id="" group_id="" type="fixture" limit="5" date_from="" date_to="" stadium_id="" filter_by_clubs="" home_club="" away_club="" filter_by_matchweeks="" days_offset="" days_offset_to="" sort_by_date="desc" sort_by_matchweek="asc" group_by="matchweek" group_by_header_style="" show_club_logos="0" show_match_datetime="1" competition_logo="1" include_ids="" exclude_ids="" outcome_id="" no_data_text="" layout="simple"]

it shows me the 5 Matches that were postponed on 12.09.2022, but should show me the next Matches from Round 22 of the English Premier League.

Maybe it would be able to set "date from=" able to handle the "Parameter" : Today


Hi Frank,

Try to use 



Best Regards

Andrei S.

Good point. Used it before, but forgot about it. Thank you.