Stats :: Clubs

Premium Version Only (since v0.12.4)

Image 3173

[anwpfl-stats-clubs columns="" season_id="" league_id="" competition_id="" multistage="0" date_before="" date_after="" side="" sort_column="" sort_order="desc" club_column="title" header=""]

  • columns – (required) - comma-separated list of stats.

Shortcode Arguments - Filter

  • competition_id – (optional) - Competition ID.
  • multistage – (optional) - 0/1 (no/yes). Set this argument to "1" if you want to include all stages of multistage competition. Works only when "competition_id" is Multistage Competition (Main Stage)
  • season_id – (optional) - Season ID.
  • league_id – (optional) - League ID.
  • date_before - (optional) - format YYYY-MM-DD - Get stats till this date
  • date_after - (optional) - format YYYY-MM-DD - Get stats from this date
  • side - (optional) - 'home', 'away' or empty for all

Shortcode Arguments - Text

  • header – (optional) - header text

Text Strings

You can override text strings in Statistics Configurator ( Settings >> FL+ Statistics ) and in "Settings & Tools" >> "Text Options"

Image 3049

how can i add custom stats on this chart?

Hi Andrei, 

Could you please add column "total points" to this clubs stats shortcode ?

It will be more informative table as some teams could played less matches but won all of them and their possition in all seassons ranking will be more higher!

It would be great to have the option (as in the league table) to show partial data. When I create a pre-match analyze for the matches, it is possible to focuse on the to teams playing.