Referees Stats

Premium Version Only (since v0.14.8)

Image 5781

[anwpfl-referees-stats season_id="" league_id="" competition_id="" show_secondary="1" filter_by_clubs="" filter_by_matchweeks="" limit="" date_from="" date_to="" exclude_ids="" include_ids="" home_club="" away_club="" header="" per_game="1" show_games="1" show_rc="1" show_fouls="1" home_away="1" profile_link="" thead_text="" tbody_text=""]

Shortcode Arguments - Filter Games

  • competition_id – (optional) - Competition ID.
  • show_secondary – (optional) - 0/1 (no/yes). Set this argument to "1" if you want to include all stages of multistage competition. Works only when "competition_id" is Multistage Competition (Main Stage)
  • season_id – (optional) - Season ID.
  • league_id – (optional) - League ID.
  • filter_by_clubs – (optional) -
  • home_club – (optional) -
  • away_club – (optional) -
  • filter_by_matchweeks – (optional) -
  • limit – (optional) -
  • date_from – (optional) -
  • date_to – (optional) -
  • exclude_ids – (optional) -
  • include_ids – (optional) -

Shortcode Arguments - Display

  • per_game – (optional) "0" (no) or "1" (yes). Show per game columns. Default - 1
  • show_games  – (optional) - "0" (no) or "1" (yes). Show the number of games. Default - 1
  • show_rc  – (optional) - "0" (no) or "1" (yes). Show Red Cards. Default - 1
  • show_fouls  – (optional) - "0" (no) or "1" (yes). Show Fouls. Default - 1
  • home_away  – (optional) - "0" (no) or "1" (yes). Show Home/Away statistics. Default - 1
  • profile_link  – (optional) - "0" (no) or "1" (yes). Referee profile link. Default - 1

Shortcode Arguments - Text

  • header – (optional) - header text
  • thead_text – (optional) - Font Size - Table Head
  • tbody_text – (optional) - Font Size - Table Body

Hi, how do I ensure the display of the country flag near the referee name? I use only custom countries.

Hi Dolph,

There is a problem with some custom country names. Already fixed, and will be available in the next release.



Best Regards

Andrei S.

Thanks, great Plugin by the way!