Stat Players (Single Stat Value)

Premium Version Only (since v0.12.0)

Image 9275

[anwpfl-stat-players stat="" calculation="sum" competition_id="" multistage="0" season_id="" league_id="" club_id="" type="" nationality="" limit="10" soft_limit="0" min_games="" min_minutes="" sort="desc" date_from="" date_to="" days_offset="" days_offset_to="" matchweeks="" stadium_id="" include_ids="" exclude_ids="" club_logo="1" show_position="0" links="0" photos="1" show_flag="0" games_played="0" minutes_played="0" digits="" show_full="0" hide_zero="1" player_name="" one_line="0" max_width="" min_width="" first_em="1" custom_header="" custom_header_tag="div"]

  • stat – *(required) - statistic value. Is supported default stats (by slug: appearance/started/minutes/cards_all/cards_y/cards_r/goals/goals_penalty/goals_own/assists/goals_conceded/clean_sheets) or custom simple stats (by its id)
  • calculation - sum/avg_game/avg_90/max/min

Image 2976

Shortcode Arguments - Filter

  • club_id – Club ID.
  • competition_id – Competition ID.
  • multistage – 0/1 (no/yes). Set this argument to "1" if you want to include all stages of the multistage competition. Works only when "competition_id" is Multistage Competition (Main Stage)
  • season_id – Season ID
  • league_id – League ID
  • type – (g/p/d/m/f/ ) goalkeepers (g), field players (p), defenders (d), midfielders (m), forwards (f) or all (empty).
  • limit – limit number of players. Default: 0 (show all)
  • soft_limit – "0" (no) or "1" (yes). Default: "1". Increase the number of players to the end of players with equal stats value.
  • hide_zero - hide players with zero values
  • nationality - filter by Nationality
  • min_games - Minimum Games
  • min_minutes - Minimum Minutes
  • sort - asc/desc
  • date_from
  • date_to
  • days_offset
  • days_offset_to
  • matchweeks - (number) - Filter by Matchweeks or Round IDs
  • stadium_id
  • include_ids
  • exclude_ids

Shortcode Arguments - Display

  • first_em – Emphasize the first player: 1/0 (yes/no)
  • links - Show link to Player profile: 1/0 (yes/no)
  • photos - Show photos: 1/0 (yes/no)
  • games_played - Show number of games played: 1/0 (yes/no)
  • show_full - Show full players list in modal: 1/0 (yes/no)
  • club_logo - Show Club Logo
  • show_position
  • show_flag
  • minutes_played
  • digits - (number) - Digits after decimal point. Only applied for average calculation (avg_game, avg_90)
  • hide_zero
  • player_name - (empty) - default, (short) or (full)
  • one_line
  • max_width --maximum block width in pixels
  • min_width - minimum block width in pixels
  • custom_header - text
  • custom_header_tag - div/h2/h3/h4/h5