Automatic User's Timezone

Premium Version Only (since v0.14.10)

Since v0.14.10 Football Leagues can convert kickoff time into user time zone.

You can see how it works at

Go to the "Settings and Tools" >> "FL+ Configurator" and activate "Use default user timezone" option.

After that the plugin will try to convert the game kickoff time according to user's browser time.

Image 5927

Timezone Switcher

The plugin has a special shortcode to render Time Zone switcher.

Image 5928

Image 5929

[anwpfl-timezones clock_icon="1" default_classes="1" custom_classes="" text="" text_utc="UTC" text_auto="auto" text_save="Save" text_change_your_time_zone="Change Your Time Zone"]

  • clock_icon – (0/1) - show clock icon
  • default_classes – (0/1) use default button classes
  • custom_classes – list of custom button classes
  • text - 
  • text_utc - 
  • text_auto - 
  • text_save -
  • text_change_your_time_zone -


Will this work automatically, as living in the UK we have British Summer Time between March and October, which is problematic with the API import as times keep adding on an hour for Matches between now 23rd October and March, so we have to manually correct them only to the have the API on next run add the hour back.


I think in some situations you can have that problem. But running "Update Kickoff time" action should fix it after time will change.

I also will test it in a week.


Best Regards

Andrei S.


If you could as i currently have to manually change the fixture times, but then when the api runs it resets them (adding an hour on) which doesn't take into account the clocks go back in the UK end of this month, short term ive disabled the update kick off time otherwise every time it runs it adds an hour onto the matches between now and the last Sunday of March... it would be handy if the plugin/api takes this into account.

In the UK the clocks go forward 1 hour at 1am on the last Sunday in March, and back 1 hour at 2am on the last Sunday in October.

The period when the clocks are 1 hour ahead is called British Summer Time (BST). There’s more daylight in the evenings and less in the mornings (sometimes called Daylight Saving Time).

When the clocks go back, the UK is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).