Live Scores Dashboard

Premium Version Only

Live Scores Dashboard allows you to manage all live scores and live status from one place.

To open this tool go to the "Settings & Tools" >> "Live Scores".

Image 902

"Upcoming Games" shows available (today and tomorrow) games.

All live matches are listed in the "Live" block.

Enable Live Scores

If you have an error message, enable Live Scores in "FL+ Configurator"

Image 930

Start Live Match

Click on the "gear" ⚙ icon and set a new status and offset in minutes (if needed) in the modal. 
Then click the "Update" button.

Image 903

Image 904

Use the “offset in minutes” field if you miss a start of time-dependent status. Put in that field how much minutes ago selected status started. 

Edit Status or Scores

Click the "gear" ⚙ icon of the desired match.

Change status or scores and then click the appropriate "Update" button.

Image 905

Finish Live Match

Click on the "edit match" to move to the match edit page. 

Image 906

Change status to "Result". Check out scores and other data. Then click "Update" to save.

Image 907

This is what happens to me

What is your PHP version?

Is your WordPress version less than 5.3?


Please, update to the latest version v0.9.5.1 and test

now it works, thanks!! Great job man, great plugin!

How to update wordpress latest version v0.9.5.1


What about the match updates in the import API football section, do you need to double update the finish match?

Bonjour. Comment je peux obtenir ce outil de gestion des scores en direct sur mon site? 

Please create a private support ticket, and send me information from the support tab -

The live scores match is not updated after the match time ends

What is the solution to this problem


Ccreate a support ticket, and provide more info -


Best Regards

Andrei S.

Image 6915

This is how it php version is 7.3 and wordpress version is 6.2.2. Please help

Create a support ticket, and provide more info about your problem 



Best Regards

Andrei S.

Image 8115

How can I change the match times on the left according to my country?


1) You should set the correct timezone in your website settings. Then update kickoff time.

Image 8116

2) Also you can activate automatic user timezone in FL+ Configurator

Image 8117


Best Regards

Andrei S.

For a lot of leagues, bees are not available and you need to enter all goals, cards, substitutions etc...

Can a date filter be added to use this page to enter match data even after a few days later?

Seriously must i all manuall add this all?? That is horrible and will cost me hours or days to update it.. i tough this livescore is different