v0.16.14 - Work In Progress
added tool to update player's 'Current Team' based on the last game played
added new option to show player's current team by last game with save/fix (if incorrect) in the Player Profile
Update player's 'Current Team' based on the last game played
Football Leagues >> Toolbox >> Toolkit
New option to show player's current team by last game with automatic save/fix (if incorrect)
Customizer >> Player & Staff >> Current Team
v0.16.12 - 2025-01-27
improved Game Substitutes in mobile view
added filters on selecting a league in the Competition edit page
fixed incorrect and duplicated Competition title (secondary stage) in the Game header #3614
v0.16.11 - 2024-12-09
added Player - All Season - season combine options if many seasons
fixed duplicated stage title
fixed game team stats with 0 is not shown
fixed not finished games affect player statistics
fixed Data Import - error on Player update with custom fields only
improved game outcome label (highlighted score)
added red card in game slim layout (right after team name)
added Staff - Current Team display options (by value, hide, last game)
improved Cards Shortcode - added support for several club IDs in club_id argument
improved Player Statistics - removed zeros for better readability
Game outcome label (highlighted score)
Red card in game slim layout (right after team name)
Staff(coach) - Current Team
Player Statistics - Removed zeros
v0.16.10 - 2024-10-31
fixed inline search on Standing Setup in "Select Competition Group"
added Admin Club - players per page option in Attach Player to Squad
v0.16.9 - 2024-10-25
added custom squad status
fixed Safari 18 conflict with WordPress classic editor layout
Custom squad status
v0.16.7 - 2024-08-22
added new admin Competition UI
added possibility to fix incorrect status (official/friendly) of the games
improved admin UI code has been rewritten
New admin Competition UI
Fix incorrect status (official/friendly) of the games
v0.16.4 - 2024-04-10
fixed Game list footer - show "penalties" scores if extra time is not set
fixed updated Twitter icon in Player and Club profile
fixed referee saving on Data Import tool
added option to show Player's Current Club based on the last game (Customizer >> Football Leagues >> Player & Staff)
option to show Player's Current Club based on the last game
v0.16.3 - 2024-02-20
fixed Game Edit admin - show save button on mobile
fixed game status "penalties" if extra time is not set
fixed errors in Game >> Missed Penalties
fixed lineup data migration of non-existent games (removed)
fixed show multiple player nationalities in the Squad section and in Players shortcode
v0.16.2 - 2024-02-09
fixed problem with rendering player's age in the Player Header
improved migration process: added possibility to show subtask IDs and skip current subtask ID
fixed colors in the circle flag of Kazakhstan
v0.16.1 - 2024-02-08
fixed migration issues with too long lineups
fixed migration problem with too long events list
fixed incorrect referee's games rendering on the Referee Page
fixed missing temp players in the game lineups
fixed date of death incorrectly calculated in some cases
v0.16.0 - 2024-02-07
⚠️ Warning
V0.16.0 has a new database structure. To complete the update, a migration process will be necessary.Please ensure that you install the update when you have sufficient time to run the migration process.
⚠️ It is strongly advised to take a database backup before initiating the migration process.
⚠️ Some plugin functionality wouldn't work till the end of the migration process.
⚠️ It is recommended to begin the data migration process during less busy hours to minimize disruptions to website visitors. If you have a large database, it may take several hours.
----------------------------------------------------------changed increased the minimal version to PHP 7.0
improved performance improvements
added new circle flags - https://github.com/HatScripts/circle-flags
improved Data Import tool
added tool to export game data in CSV format
Database Optimization
A special migration tool has been introduced in v0.16.0 to guide you through the migration process.
improved moved player metadata from "postmeta" to new "player_data" table
improved moved games metadata from "postmeta" to "matches" table.
improved moved lineups from "postmeta" to the new "lineups" table
Migration Process
Data Import tool
New Circle Flags
Added new circle flags with some former countries (Soviet Union, Yugoslavia)
If you don't like, you can switch back to legacy flags in Customizer >> General >> Flags
v0.15.2 - 2023-07-30
fixed problem on creating game with active Rank Math SEO plugin
v0.15.1 - 2023-07-01
added new Gutenberg Block: Competition Header (based on Competition Header shortcode)
added new Gutenberg Blocks: Last and Next Game (based on appropriate shortcodes) with new arguments (max logo width, offset, transparent background)
added new Gutenberg Block: Game Countdown
added new Gutenberg Block: Teams
fixed JS errors with JetPack Boost "Concatenate JS" active option.
fixed "load more" in Matches shortcode: "days_offset_to" and "days_offset" arguments are ignored
improved %kickoff% in "Match title generation rules" will use plugin date format (if set in Settings >> Display >> Custom Match Date format)
New Gutenberg Blocks
Gutenberg Block: Competition Header
Gutenberg Block: Last Game
If you have JS errors with Jetpack Boost installed in Football Leagues v0.15.0, disable "Concatenate JS".
v0.15.0 - 2023-06-13
fixed edit Stadium - autocomplete places and addresses
added option in Customizer to load stadium map after user approval
improved load scripts only on required pages (Plyr)
improved JS script to load native YT player
improved JavaScript files have been rewritten in order to remove the jQuery dependency
changed game kickoff flipped countdown to a simple one (removed old jQuery script)
added season dropdown switcher in the Competition header
added "load more" argument in Matches shortcode ("limit" argument required to show the initial number of games)
added "load more" button under the "Fixtures" and "Latest Matches" sections on the Club Page
added Subteams functionality - #759
New Tutorials
Option in Customizer to load Stadium Map after user consent
New simple game kickoff countdown
Season Dropdown switcher in the Competition Header
Load More argument in Matches shortcode
v0.14.15 - 2023-03-12
fixed youtube video not visible
fixed additional temporary referee name is not displayed
v0.14.14 - 2023-03-10
improved Matches shortcode - group by competition order and sorting
added support for custom countries ("Settings & Tools" >> "Settings" >> "Custom Fields")
improved Standing table - added initial sorting by team name
Custom Countries
v0.14.13 - 2023-02-06
improved Widget Birthdays - hide birthdays for the players with a filled date of death (can be changed with a hook)
v0.14.10 - 2022-10-19
added "All Seasons" page in Player profile
improved "Stats Totals" blocks for "All Seasons"
added option in Customizer to select team Abbreviation or Full name in "Simple" and "Modern" Match List layout
"All Seasons" page in Player profile
"Stats Totals" blocks for "All Seasons"
Option to select team Abbreviation or Full name in "Simple" and "Modern" Match List layout
v0.14.9 - 2022-09-15
added new option in Customizer 'Competition Title in Competition Header'
New option in Customizer 'Competition Title in Competition Header'
v0.14.8 - 2022-09-02
fixed show Fourth official referee finished games
fixed display temporary players in Penalty Shootout
v0.14.6 - 2022-06-28
added new Game special status - "Match Cancelled"
fixed Game Lineups - Captain badge on a temporary player
v0.14.5 - 2022-05-30
added Data Import tool - Custom Fields in Club, Referee, Stadium
added Data Import tool - Staff import
improved thumbnails (player, staff, referee) and logos (club, competition) are available on the site search page
added Squad - option to disable Group By Position
improved Match Edit: Referee selector in the Match edit page
added Match Edit: possibility to add Referee and Coach as text string without creating its profile in the site database
added Match Edit: possibility to select a Temporary player as Captain
Possibility to add Referee as text string without creating its profile in the site database
Squad - option to disable Group By Position
v0.14.4 - 2022-04-20
added "Additional Referees" and "Fourth official" games on the Referee page
added custom color option in Standing Table Colors
added possibility to load Initial Standing Table data from another table (useful in some multistage competitions)
Custom color in Standing Table Colors
Load Initial Standing Table data from another table
v0.14.3 - 2022-04-03
fixed season selector at the Referee's page
fixed rendering non-Latin characters in Game temporary player
fixed game temp players mixing after save
fixed error conflict with Avada Page Builder
added "Customizer" >> "Football Leagues" >> "Match List" >> "Kickoff Section Minimum Width"
fixed rendering "default empty logo" when team logo is not set
improved Squad rows block - mobile layout
added 'Date of Death' field in Staff and Referee
"Kickoff Section Minimum Width"
v0.14.2 - 2022-03-24
added option to add a player to a game as a text string without saving into the database - #1555
added Data Import tool - Referee ID & Referee External ID
added Data Import Tool - Matches, Goals, Cards, Substitutes, and Lineups import
improvements minor fixes
Option to add a player to a game as a text string
Data Import Tool - Matches import
Data Import Tool - Lineups import
v0.14.1 - 2022-03-17
fixed Standing table color CSS classes
fixed Data Import tool - Clubs
added game Club captain
added Game Lineups - minutes in events (Customizer >> FL >> Match >> Minutes in Lineups Events)
improvements minor fixes
Game Club captain
Game Lineups - minutes in events
v0.14.0 - 2022-03-16
Most of the CSS rules have been rewritten and almost all template files have been changed.
If you have custom Additional CSS rules, revise them.
Most of the plugin display settings had been moved to the Customizer.
added new CSS classes to the most template files
added special integration with SiteOrigin CSS for easy customizing
removed IE support (CSS styles and some scripts)
improved optimized and removed unused CSS styles (main CSS file size is reduced appr. 300%)
improved loading scripts (Justified gallery + Featherlight) - only on required pages; - removed OverlayScrollbars
improved rewroted all plugin templates (using new classes) + better mobile support
fixed Staff photos in Birthday widget/shortcode
improved Most of the plugin display settings have been moved to the Customizer
added Data Import tool - Club ID & Club External ID in Clubs import
added Data Import tool - Stadiums Import
New Tutorials
- Customize Football Leagues with SiteOrigin CSS
New Templates
New Customize plugin menu
v0.13.7 - 2022-01-06
added possibility to add Manual player's statistics - #1108
fixed Next Match widget - show game from today and newer
fixed "Players" shortcode - incorrect goals calculation with own goals
New Tutorials
- Add Player Statistics Manually
Manual Statistics (Player)
v0.13.6 - 2021-12-17
fixed "Players" shortcode - incorrect number of goals and assists when game lineups not set
v0.13.5 - 2021-12-14
improved shortcode and widget "Players (scorers & assistants)"
improved minor fixes
Shortcode "Players" improvements
- "competition_id" - now supports comma-separated ids
- "club_id" - now supports comma-separated ids
- new argument "penalty_goals" - to show penalty kick goals in brackets
- new argument "games_played" - to show number of games played in separate column
- new argument "group_by_place" - to group players with the same number of goals or assists
- new argument "secondary_sorting" with 2 options: "less_games" and "less_penalty"
v0.13.3 - 2021-12-10
added Assistant Referee games at the Referee page
added Plugin Caching System - for caching some complex queries and automatic cache invalidating
Plugin Caching System
Caching system works automatically.
If you have a problem with it or have a small amount of data, you can disable it in "Settings" >> "Service Links".
Assistant Referee games at the Referee page
v0.13.0 - 2021-10-04
added Game edit page: squad number in the player selector
improved minor performance improvements
added WebP image support in gallery
Game edit page: squad number in the player selector
v0.12.7 - 2021-08-01
improved Game Edit UI (new lineup player selector, updated game events table and selector, special submenu)
improved Import Data UI
added new fields in Import Data UI >> Player: full_name, national_team, country_of_birth, date_of_death
fixed error on loading team squad to edit with fully removed player
added Next and Last Match shortcodes (the same as the existing widgets)
v0.12.5 - 2021-06-07
improved Club Squad admin UI
added Data Import >> Club: "National Team" option
added home_club and away_club arguments in Matches shortcode
Improved Club Squad admin UI
v0.12.4 - 2021-05-21
added new Staff and Referee shortcodes
added option to count in player statistics Yellow + Yellow/Red as Red card only - (Settings & Tools >> Settings >> General)
Staff Shortcode
Option to count in player statistics Yellow + Yellow/Red as Red card only
v0.12.3 - 2021-04-28
added option to override Countries translations
added option "How to count in statistics "second yellow > red" card"
added new shortcode and widget - Competition List
New Tutorials
Competition List shortcode
Competition List widget
Countries translations
option "How to count in statistics "second yellow > red" card"
v0.12.0 - 2021-03-21
fixed Matches shortcode: grouping header text (day and month) is not localized
added new socials in Player's and Club's profile: TikTok, VK, LinkedIn
added possibility to create new League and Season at the Competition edit page
improved process of creating multi-stage Competition (on creating Secondary stage the League, Season, and title is filled automatically from the Main Stage values; is shown a list of previously created stages below)
Data Import
added Player - new field "External ID". Can be used on import to update the existing player.
added CSV export for players
added support for dynamic custom fields in "Batch Import" >> "Players"
added new fields in "Batch Import" >> "Players": "Player ID" and "Player External ID"
Use "Player ID" and "Player External ID" to update existing players. You can found more info about it in the Batch Import page.
CSV export for players
Customer support service by UserEcho