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user roles - save templates
hi, would it be possible to add a function to save a preset scheme for given user roles? For example, if I set for the team managers what they can and cannot see when recording the results and save it so that I don't have to set up the functions from the beginning for each manager? To remember that save as the default for the next team assignment for a new manager.
for an idea, I'm attaching a screen where I want to set only the circled boxes, so that when I create a new user it will be set as default and I don't have to check every line to see if I've correctly set the restrictions for each new manager to whom I want to assign a team.. .
current season not load for team as default
when i changing the current season in the team settings, after saving and updating, the previous season is set as the main season, not the current one... In the attached image, I want to set "3v3 1st year" as the default for the given team, and after saving, the previous finished season is always loaded (6v6 test season) as current. I also set 3v3 as the main season in the configuration, this didn't help either.
Would it be possible to fix this as soon as possible so that the current season is always loaded for managers when manually editing the current season for a given team? Thank you in advance for your answer.
option to add players to multiple positions
please add the option for the player to be able to start in multiple positions in the match. For example, in a hockey lineup, players could be moved from defense to attack and vice versa. When I want to drag a player, for example, 4 defenders and 1 forward appear in the list.
-Add the option (enable) the name of the position to 1 letter, now the condition is at least 3 letters... it would be nice if, for example, instead of 2 positions "Left Wing/Centre" only the abbreviation "LW/C" was displayed in the roster. It looks better when displaying a match card or in a widget than having two long texts next to each other.
Match Generator
Hello, would it be possible to add automatic match generation? For example, so that I don't have to list each match separately for the league, it would be great to be able to select the teams from the given competition, for example, if I had the number of matches how many matches each will play against each other (for example, each will play 2 matches against each other at home/away) ), where then automatically created a valid stage schedule that would be published and waiting for values to be entered from the team manager once a match had taken place so that a logged in user could select a match from the schedule to enter and submit.
The same system could be for the play off bracket... Choose an opponent (for example Dallas vs Minnesota) and set how many games will be generated, if for example the best of 7 system is played (for 4 winning games in a series) 7 games will be generated, at best of 5 (on 3 wins) 5 matches will be generated and on Best of 3 (on 2 wins) 3 matches will be generated...
or one more option...add the option for logged in users to create matches (as it is now when I create a match as an admin, where he will only have access to his competition and to his team's matches) with a limit on the number of matches and a schedule only for own team...for example, if I want to play in a league with each other 2x, it will be possible to create a maximum of 2 matches with an opponent at a time, so that there is no confusion and someone does not create more matches with the same opponent than allowed.
Players Stats Short Code Not Working
I am using this plugin (AnWP Sports Leagues – for basketball, hockey, and others) on my site with the free version but the player's stats shortcode not working can you ask me if the player's stats shortcode will use with the free version or buy the premium version of this plugin to use player stats shortcode.
Here is the shortcode
[sl-players-stats stats_id="6" position="Left Wing" tournament_id="420" stage_id="434" season_id="9" league_id="8" group_id="5" round_id="6" venue_id="444" team_id="427" game_id="6" game_day="Monday" order="" limit="10" soft_limit="1" show_position="1" show_team="1" show_nationality="1" show_photo="1" show_games_played="1" link_to_profile="1"]
Import events
I couldn't find the option to import the all event to fill complete league.
As far as I can see, I have to enter one game at a time or I'm making a mistake somewhere :)
Issue with sl_standing in new update
I found an issue with standing in tournament pages. If you have 2 or more stages, they don't split per tab.
For example:
If you have Stage A, Stage B and Stage C in one tournament. You will have latest scores, upcoming games and standing tables from all stages and it's Ok, but when you'll select Stage A, the latest scores and upcoming games
will be only from Stage A (and it's Ok), but in that tab you'll also have standing tables for Stage A, Stage B and Stage C (and it's bug from my point of view).
How you'll be able to fix that issue ASAP.
Thanks for your great plugin,
Best regards
Add EU, NATO to the drop-down list in country & add sport selection option
Hi Team,
Can you please add EU, NATO to the drop-down list in country field?
Or can you please advise how I can do it from my own?
As I can see you have flags in your plugin (sports-leagues/vendor/world-flags-sprite/stylesheets/flags32.css?ver=0.11.0), but the names are missed in drop-down list.
Also will be useful to have an additional option for selection a sport type for the teams.
For example:
Barcelona has Basketball, Football and other teams. Will be good to have an option to select sport for relevant team.
Thanks in advance
Player vs Player mod (esport 1v1 tournaments... Fifa, nhl etc)
Hello, would it be possible to add a mode for 1v1 tournaments? For example, if I had a tournament in NHL 23 and players were playing against each other... So that it would be possible to put players instead of teams in the league and playoffs? And so that achievements (trophies, positions, etc.) can be recorded in the player's card. Thank you in advance for your answer.
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