v0.13.5 - 2024-11-27
fixed error with partitial caching in SpinupWP (API Import settings)
added Basketball API import from api-football.com
added support for circle flags (introduced in core version)
fixed some stage options that aren't saved on newly created stages
fixed remove Stage Round problem
improved Gutenberg blocks improvements
added Calendar Slider - new arguments: tournament_title & tournament_country
added Tournament List Mini shortcode
New Tutorials
- Basketball API Import- Tournament List Mini shortcode
v0.13.4 - 2024-11-08
fixed Mega Menu - shortcode parsing problem
fixed Elementor conflict with calendar (team & widget)
added Dynamic SEO options (title) also affect the H1 tag on the Game page if allowed
fixed Layout Builder - Player - display player bio
added Live Search shortcode & Gutenberg block
New Tutorials
Live Search
v0.13.2 - 2024-05-11
added new Teams Stats shortcode
fixed shortcode Players Stats Advanced: rendering in Shortcode Builder
fixed shortcode Players Stats Advanced: hide zero results
added API Import - NBA: automatically remove scheduled, not-used games in playoff
added Layout Builder: inline CSS style argument
added Layout Builder: Raw HTML block
added Layout Builder: clone blocks option
New Teams Stats shortcode
v0.13.1 - 2024-04-15
added automatic game creation for NBA API Import
v0.13.0 - 2024-04-08
fixed incorrect initial slide in hidden tab in Gameday Slides
added new User Roles functionality - allow team captain to approve game data
added new columns in the Standing table: Streak, Last 10 (W-D-L), Last 10 (W-L), Last 5 (W-D-L), Last 5 (W-L)
fixed Standing Table with Conference and Division parts - place start from 1
added Players Stats Advanced (shortcode) based on "Players Stats" core shortcode with additional arguments: "hide_header", "calculation" (sum, min, max, avg_game), "date_to", "date_from", "days_offset", "days_offset_to", "max_width", "digits"
added NBA data import from https://api-sports.io/ (api-football.com) - https://api-sports.io/documentation/nba/v2
New Tutorials
- Allow Team Captain to Approve Game Data
- Import NBA data from api-sports.io
New columns in the Standing table: Streak, Last 10 (W-D-L), Last 10 (W-L), Last 5 (W-D-L), Last 5 (W-L)
v0.12.7.1 - 2023-11-23
fixed aggregate text and special status breaks game layout in widget "Games"
fixed User Roles access problems in some cases
v0.12.7 - 2023-10-23
fixed Game >> Players: default player photo is used when empty
added a new option to show/hide photos in Game >> Players
v0.12.6 - 2023-10-20
improved Standing table rendering
fixed display Bracket only in ALL or dedicated Tournament Stage
added new Gutenberg block - "Calendar" (based on Calendar classic widget)
added new Gutenberg block - "Bracket" (based on Bracket shortcode)
fixed Bracket open in full window link not working
added new Gutenberg block - "Calendar Slider" (based on Calendar Slider shortcode)
added new Gutenberg block - "Gameday Slides" (based on Gameday Slides shortcode and classic widget)
added new Gutenberg block - "Games Horizontal Scoreboard" (based on Games Horizontal Scoreboard shortcode)
added new Gutenberg block - "Next Game" (based on the Next Game classic widget)
added new Player Stats Panel shortcode
improved Layout Builder - Team - Upcoming Games: added "load more" button and increased games to 10
added new design of colorized team headers
added new "Game" >> "Player Statistics" layout (can be set in "Customizer" >> "Sports Leagues" >> "Layouts" )
fixed Calendar Slider doesn't show today's games
added NFL API Data Import from api-football.com
New Tutorials
- Import NFL data from api-football.com
Updated Tutorials
New Player Stats Panel shortcode
New design of colorized team headers
New "Game" >> "Player Statistics" layout
v0.12.5 - 2023-09-11
added Automatic User timezone - the plugin will try to convert game kickoff time to user timezone
fixed loading full list in Players Stats shortcode
fixed show bracket in related Tournament Stage
fixed custom game jersey color is not applied
improved performance improvements for Calendar Slider and Calendar Widget
added new arguments in Calendar Slider: calendar_size (default or small) and day_width (in px)
Automatic User timezone
v0.12.4 - 2023-08-03
fixed standing table colors and the last 5 games are not visible
fixed season data rendering problem in Team layout in some cases when the "Hide not used season option" is active
fixed new game is not possible to create if the Rank Math SEO plugin is active
fixed saving Aggregate Text in User Roles removes spacing - #2864
v0.12.3 - 2023-07-05
fixed caching problem after adding games by public roles
improved %kickoff% placeholder in Builder will use plugin date format (if set in Settings >> Display >> Custom Game Date format)
v0.12.2 - 2023-06-20
added Standing Settings Pro - a tool to setup initial Ranking rules and Columns for a new standing
improved public Game Edit form (mobile improvements)
improved Standing edit form
v0.12.1 - 2023-05-29
added new Block MegaMenu add-on
added new Sidebars add-on
added User Roles functionality
New Tutorial
new Block MegaMenu add-on
User Roles
v0.12.0 - 2023-05-07
added new animated countdown (instead of old flipping)
removed Tournament Stage layout option (recommended to use root Tournament layout instead of it)
added Layout Builder: new block in Tournament Layout >> Tournament Games Grouped
New animated countdown
New Block - Tournament Games Grouped (by Latest and Upcoming with Load More button)
v0.10.5 - 2022-08-17
added dynamic SEO title and descriptions in Layout Builder
New Tutorials
- https://www.anwp.pro/seo-options-in-layout-builder-title-and-description/
v0.10.4 - 2022-06-09
fixed Staff block is not visible with Layout Builder
fixed saving Away Team's custom jersey colors
v0.10.0 - 2011-11-30
added new Custom Players Statistics shortcode - https://anwppro.userecho.com/en/knowledge-bases/6/articles/1786-custom-players-statistics-shortcode
improved admin Trophies (team edit page) and Formations (game edit page) UI
added option to set custom jersey color for a single game (game edit game)
Custom Players Statistics shortcode
v0.9.3 - 2021-04-17
added option to show period scores as table and team series in the Game Scoreboard
Customer support service by UserEcho