v0.13.0 - 2021-10-04
added API Import (v3): new API Import UI which works with api-football.com API V3
added API Import (v3): new Manual Import Configuration creator
improved API Import (v3): improved multistage competition management
improved API Import (v3): improved transfers import logic to prevent duplicates
added new argument "competition_country" in Calendar Slider shortcode
improved Layout Builder: rendering "Matches All" in Multistage Competitions
improved Missed Players and Cards shortcode: new argument "show_date", new option "competition" in "club_id", fixed "all_players" when sections is set to "missed"
New Tutorials:
- API Import: Import data from "api-football.com" (v3)
- API Import Configuration: Round-Robin Competition (like regular national league)
- API Import: How to add new games in Multistage Competition (V3)
- API Import Configuration: Multistage Competition (like international cup)
How to Migrate from API Import V2 to V3.
Open the API Import page and click on "Run Migrator"
v0.12.8 - 2021-08-01
improved Game Formation edit UI
fixed Formation order in RTL mode and in Home team in vertical layout
added Formation - Custom Color option in Game
fixed Send Game Report by email - placeholder %away_cards_yr%
added Send Game Report by email - new placeholders (%goals_text_player_club%, %cards_text_player_club%, %cards_text_y_player_club%, %cards_text_yr_player_club%, %cards_text_r_player_club%)
New Formation edit UI
v0.12.7 - 2021-07-02
added Layout Builder - additional dynamic variables in Match layout (club, competition, leagues, season names)
fixed rendering custom game team stats in PHP 5.6
added API Import - Lineup Formations
added possibility to send game reports by email
fixed minor fixes
New Tutorials
API Import - Lineup Formations
Activate it in "FL+ Configurator" >> "Import API"
To display Formations, add Match Formation in the Layout Builder >> Match.
It will affect only new games.
To get Formations for old games, see screenshot below.v0.12.6 - 2021-06-19
added option to create new player transfer in Squad on Club edit page
improved club trophies UI
added clone action in Layout Builder
added More filters in the Transfers admin list
added new option "Transfer End Date" in Transfers
added API Import - possibility to translate "free" and "loan" in Transfers (Text Options - see screenshot). Will work on new or updated transfers.
New Trophies UI
Clone action in Layout Builder
More filters in the Transfers admin list
API Import - possibility to translate "free" and "loan" in Transfers
v0.12.4 - 2021-05-21
added new shortcode "Club Stats" (Single Club Statistics)
added new block "Club Stats" in Layout Builder > Club (based on shortcode "Club Stats")
improved Statistics Configurator UI
added new shortcode "Stats :: Clubs" (Interactive table with clubs and specified statistics)
added API Import - Additional Club Statistics - more info
New Tutorials
- API Import - Additional Club Statistics
New shortcode "Club Stats"
Updated Statistics Configurator UI
New shortcode "Stats :: Clubs"
v0.12.3 - 2021-04-28
fixed shortcode "Stat Players (Single Stat Value)" - number format in decimal values
improved Transfer edit page UI
added Transfer edit page - new actions to "Set as Current club" and "Register in Squad"
added Layout Builder - %kickoff% dynamic variable in Match and Match Live
improved Transfer edit page UI
v0.12.2 - 2021-04-07
added new "Head to Head Team Stats" shortcode
added new "Stats :: Players (Custom)" shortcode
added API Import - option to specify national teams: in "Assign Teams To Groups" (for new clubs) and in "Create or Update Teams" (for existing clubs)
improved API Import - "Assign Teams to Groups" tool: new UI, no more need to create groups, handle complex competitions
New Tutorials
- Head-to-Head team stats (Shortcode)
- Stats :: Players (Custom) (Shortcode)
"Head to Head Team Stats" shortcode
Stats :: Players (Custom)
API Import - "Assign Teams to Groups" tool
National teams
v0.12.1 - 2021-03-21
fixed loading media library script in some cases (error on Competition edit page)
v0.12.0 - 2021-03-21
added shortcode and widget "Stat Players (Single Stat Value)"
improved API Import: "Update Players" action from the Dashboard uses and is available for the main RapidAPI subscription (not BETA)
New Tutorials
- Stat Players (Single Stat Value) shortcode
Shortcode "Stat Players (Single Stat Value)"
v0.11.17 - 2021-02-27
improved Calendar Slider shortcode - added LIVE games support
added "league_id" option in "H2H Matches" shortcodes
v0.11.16 - 2021-01-30
improved Calendar Slider shortcode - localized month and the day of the week
improved Calendar Slider shortcode - added argument to hide/show leading zero in the day of month
v0.11.15 - 2021-01-26
added Calendar Slider shortcode
added API Import - option to re-update all finished games for the selected competition
added API Import - get competition logo
added API Import - get referees in finished games
added Layout Builder - Referee - Finished games and Upcoming games blocks
optimized DB table `player_stats` (to use less space)
improved API Import - improved competition selectors (added logos and filters)
improved API Import - creating games in Multistage competitions (create by round)
New Tutorial
Calendar Slider shortcode
API Import - option to re-update all finished games
API Import - get competition logo
API Import - get referees in finished games
API Import - improved competition selectors (added logos and filters)
API Import - creating games in Multistage competitions (create by round)
v0.11.13 - 2021-01-14
fixed Match Scoreboard - club series blinking on hover
fixed API Import Dashboard - display "Get Predictions" action
improved CSS Styles - added prefixes to grid classes to prevent conflicts with some themes
added API Import - new option to disable/enable fetching stadium's data from API (enabled by default)
New option to disable/enable fetching stadium's data from API
v0.11.12 - 2021-01-07
added Options to change teams order in the knockout competition (useful in Bracket layout)
added shortcode support in the "Custom Code" Match section
added Frontend Match Edit - Special UI for LIVE
improved Match Scoreboard mobile layout
improved Missing Players and Cards: improved styles, added new arguments, added possibility to use in "Club >> Layout Builder". See Updated Tutorial section for more info.
fixed Layout Builder- errors in LIVE Match predefined layout
fixed Calendar CSS style conflicts with Elementor styles in some themes
fixed Charts rendering in hidden Builder tabs
Updated Tutorials
- Missing Players and Cards Shortcode
Options to change teams order in the knockout competition
Frontend Match Edit - Special UI for LIVE
Updated Missing Players and Cards Shortcode
v0.11.10 - 2020-12-07
added Match Shots Stats widget in the top of Match Stats
added Layout Builder - new blocks in Match and Match Live: "Home Club Header" and "Away Club Header"
added news shortcode "Charts: goals per 15 min."
added news shortcode "Charts: team default stats"
added Layout Builder - Global Shortcode: list of available placeholders (click to insert into a cursor position)
added Layout Builder - Global Shortcode: open Shortcode Builder action
improved Match - Timeline - mobile layout
improved API Import - game statuses "Time To Be Defined" and "Match Postponed" are recognized and saved into the new "Special Status" field
New Tutorials
- Shortcode "Charts: goals per 15 min"
- Shortcode "Charts: team default stats"
- Create Charts in Upcoming Games using Layout Builder
Match Shots Stats widget
New Club Header blocks
Charts: Goals per 15 min.
Charts: Team Default Stats
Layout Builder - Global Shortcode improvements
v0.11.9 - 2020-11-02
added API Import - option to fetch players game stats and ratings
added Match Scoreboard - default image (will be used if no one is set)
fixed Timeline - incorrect event position if the custom game duration is used
improved Layout Builder - tabs UI
New Tutorial
- API Import - Get Game Players Statistics
API Import - option to fetch players game stats and ratings
v0.11.8 - 2020-10-26
added option to show scores in Match Commentary ("Settings & Tools" >> "FL+ Configurator" >> "Match Commentary")
added custom text options in Transfers (instead of Club In/Out)
added new Standing Ranking rule - "Played Games (ascending)"
added new layout in Transfers shortcode - "Competition (compact)"
added API Import - new action "Update Transfers"
fixed RTL mode - styles in players' stats table
improved API import - "Add Clubs to Groups and Ties" tool (selector for stages in upcoming competitions)
Scores in Match Commentary
Transfers - Club In/Club Out custom text
API Import - new action "Update Transfers"
Improved API import - "Add Clubs to Groups and Ties" tool
Played Games rule
v0.11.7 - 2020-10-13
fixed RTL mode - stadium and game date order in the Game Scoreboard
fixed LIVE - infinite refresh loop on LIVE commentary ON and empty LIVE status
v0.11.5 - 2020-09-09
improved API Import: updated list of countries
improved API Import: fixed "Empty Data" in "Add Clubs to Groups" for some upcoming round-robin competitions
improved minor fixes
v0.11.4 - 2020-07-24
added Layout Builder: new layout - LIVE Match
added API Import: import LIVE Match events (will work properly only in LIVE Match layout)
added API Import: import lineups at the LIVE match start (will work properly only in LIVE Match layout)
added LIVE: update Timeline block on events change
improved API Import: LIVE data automatic import - Updated Tutorial
improved minor style improvements
New Improved LIVE import functionality
API Import - Import Live Events option
v0.11.3 - 2020-07-19
fixed Bottom Content block rendering in Layout Builder
added Layout Builder: new block "Missing Players" in Match
added Layout Builder: new block "Missed Matches" in Player
added new shortcode: Missed Players and Cards
New Tutorial
Missed Players and Cards
v0.11.2 - 2020-07-13
added API Import - beta "Update Players" action (with photos, place of birth, country of birth and so on)
added Layout Builder: type filter in admin list
added Layout Builder: league display rule in Match
added Standings shortcode
New Tutorials
API Import - beta "Update Players" action
v0.11.1 - 2020-06-29
added option to show prediction in Match List item
added shortcode "Head-to-Head Matches"
fixed Matchweek Slides - Current MatchWeek option does not work inside a tab
fixed Import Matches - kickoff time is not recognized properly
New Tutorials
- Head-to-Head Matches (shortcode)
Shortcode "Head-to-Head Matches"
Prediction in Match List item
v0.11.0 - 2020-05-26
added API import Dashboard (possibility to run task for all competition at once)
added API import: possibility to schedule automatically update finished games
added API import: Current MatchWeek option is updated automatically from the last finished API game
added possibility to filter by many club ids in FL+ Calendar. Previously, only one ID was allowed.
added new options in "Stats :: Players" shortcode - "caching time" and "sections"
fixed Match shortcode can be used for upcoming matches
improved performance of "Stats :: Players" shortcode
New Tutorials
API import Dashboard
Club IDs in FL+ Calendar
v0.10.8 - 2020-05-12
added API import - create and attach clubs to groups/ties tool
added shootout penalties in the bracket layout
added club form (outcomes) in the Game Scoreboard
added player photo in Match Commentary block
fixed incorrect work of "include secondary stages" option in FL+ Calendar widget
fixed arrows in MatchWeek slides if "WP Fastest Cache" is used
Club form (outcomes) in the Game Scoreboard
Player photo in Match Commentary block
API import - create and attach clubs to groups/ties tool
Shootout penalties in the bracket layout
v0.10.7 - 2020-04-23
improved club header calendar (mobile tooltips improvements, better width scaling in some themes)
fixed match timeline in RTL
fixed incorrect group assigning on "Import Matches" in the knockout competition
added the column "aggregate text" to the import matches tool
added possibility to translate all frontend text strings from the plugin admin
added outcome label in match list on clicking in the standing table games
Outcome label in match list on clicking in the standing table games
v0.10.6 - 2020-04-06
fixed duplicated dates in Tag Posts in some themes
fixed club header calendar tooltip styling
v0.10.5 - 2020-03-31
added new Club header with Calendar
added post tags support for Match, Club, Competition, Player, Staff, and Referee (will be used to show associated posts in the special shortcode)
added Tag Posts shortcode
added season switcher in Stadium
improved Stadium games blocks (removed 5 match limitation)
New Tutorials
- How To Use "Tag Posts" shortcode
"Tag Posts" shortcode allows you to show regular WordPress posts with the same tag as Club, Player, Competition, Match, Referee, and Staff.
Club Header with the inline calendar
Tag Posts shortcode - Grid layout
v0.10.4 - 2020-03-08
fixed rendering non-Latin characters in round and group titles
fixed Results Matrix minor improvements
fixed API-import - standing recalculating on Live game finished
v0.10.3 - 2020-03-02
added Layout Builder Blocks - gallery (Match)
improved API import - added country selector on choosing competition (Step 2)
improved API import - added progress message on import new and finished games and players
improved API import - added option to import players from all competition teams
improved API import - on update squad players "Numbers" will be untouched and only new players will be added (previously all players have been replaced)
improved API import - minor fixes and improvements
API import - added option to import players from all competition teams
API import - added country selector on choosing competition (Step 2)
API import - added progress message on import new games
v0.10.2 - 2020-02-24
added RTL support (remove any previously entered RTL CSS fixes from Customizer >> Additional CSS)
added "multistage" option in "Players Stats" shortcode to include stats from all stages - Players Stats Shortcode
added Players Stats block in the Layout Builder (Competition & Multistage Competition)
added "Import Matches" - home club stadium will be set as a game venue
added "Import Matches" - half time scores
added new options in Transfers shortcode (date_from, date_to, window, competition_id, player_id) + improvements
added new layouts in Transfers shortcode (competition, player, club)
added slim layout in Birthdays shortcode
added Transfers block in Layout Builder for Player and Competition
added grouping by windows in Transfers block in Layout Builder for Club
Updated tutorial
"multistage" option in "Players Stats" shortcode
Import Matches - half time scores
Transfers shortcode - Competition layout
Slim layout in Birthdays shortcode
Transfers block in Club (Layout Builder) - new default grouping
v0.10.1 - 2020-02-17
added Birthdays shortcode
added added Birthdays into Club layout (in Layout Builder)
improved MatchWeek Slides (change slider lib from Slick to Swiper, better RTL support, updated styles)
improved Admin UI improvements
improved process of building manual Bracket Layout
changed a way of how required core plugin notice is rendered
fixed incorrect game time calculation if server timezone option differ from "UTC"
New Tutorials
Birthdays Shortcode
v0.10.0 - 2020-01-30
added Layout Builder - Staff, Referee, Stadium page options
added Layout Builder - Multistage Competition
added Layout Builder - "group_n" and "stage_n" options in Competition to render block data of specific group or Competition Stage
added Layout Builder - "margin-top" and "margin-botton" options in blocks
added API Import - load predictions
fixed Match shortcode - rendering custom player numbers in lineups
changed Formation block was splitted from the lineups. Now you have to set it separately in the Layout Builder
improved Layout Builder - minor improvements
improved API Import - club name will be untouched if exists on "Create or Update Clubs"
removed sections for the match, player, and club in "FL+ Configurator" - use more powerful Layout Builder
removed obsolete providers in API-import
disabled "FL+ Custom HTML" (use "Layout Builder" > "Global Text" instead)
!!! action required
to render match formation you have to put it in the Layout Builder obviously (previously it was joined with lineups)
New Tutorials
- Draft Group Number and Stage Number - New Competition Options
New Demo Competitions
v0.9.8 - 2020-01-12
added new dynamic variables for global shortcode in the "Layout Builder > Club": %club_id% and %season_id%
added new options for Result Matrix labels: logo + abbreviation and abbreviation
added player match rating option
added "import API" - option to add updated clubs to the selected competition
fixed Custom Player stats block height adjusting in Layout Builder tab
New Tutorials
Result Matrix - Vertical Labels are set to logo + abbreviation
Player Match Rating
"import API" - option to add updated clubs to the selected competition
v0.9.7 - 2020-01-02
added "api-football.com" - new server "v2.api-football.com"
added custom Club statistic
added custom Player statistics
added "exclude Match IDs" option in FL+ Next Match widget
added new parameter in Matches Horizontal Scoreboard shortcode - days_offset_to
E.g.: to get today games set "days_offset_to=1" and "days_offset=0"
improved Match Scoreboard styles (goal scorers)
improved Match Club statistics layouts
fixed "api-football.com" - reversed substitutions in some Competitions
New Tutorials
Statistics Configurator (club and player stats)
Custom Player statistics
v0.9.6 - 2019-12-05
added "api-football.com" - Live Scores import from API (status and scores only) *
added "api-football.com" - save and select a competition configuration
added "api-football.com" - Create or update competition clubs
added "api-football.com" - options to enable/disable caching some requests
added "api-football.com" - option to choose direct server2 or server3
added Live Scores option - play sound on changed scores
added Live Scores option - blinking score for one minute on changed
improved Clubs Selector in Competition
improved Live Scores minor fixes
improved "api-football.com" - improved player nationality assigning
* Powerful hosting is required for automatic Live Scores API import! Do no use it on Shared hosting, it may exceed your resource limit and put your website down!
New Tutorials
- Create or Update Clubs - API Import
Live Scores Dashboard - API import mode
Clubs Selector in Competition
Live Scores - new options
"api-football.com" - Create or update competition clubs
"api-football.com" - save and select a competition configuration
v0.9.5 - 2019-11-23
added match status in Live Scores
added Live Scores support to the Horizontal Matches Scoreboard
added Live Scores Dashboard: manage all live scores and live status from one page - https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/468-live-scores-dashboard
improved Live Events, Commentary, and Scores updating for a single Match
v0.9.4 - 2019-11-13
added Commentary block Options
added new options in Horizontal Matches Scoreboard: autoplay and loop
added Transfers Shortcode - https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/460-transfers-shortcode
improved Horizontal Matches Scoreboard: changed JS library (slick to swiper)
improved Transfers: added new option "unknown club", added default sorting by date, added icons for "unknown club" and "without club" options, minor improvements
fixed tooltip (tippy) JavaScript conflict with some plugins
v0.9.3 - 2019-10-31
added Import Matches tool - Import Matches Tool - How to Use
added tooltip with Match data on hover over series in Standing
added "api-football.com" - apply title "generation rules" on fetching matches
added "api-football.com" - goal assistants on Match parsing (new API feature)
added "api-football.com" - action to re-update finished matches by matchweek
v0.9.2 - 2019-10-14
added "links" (show link to profile) option in Player Stats shortcode
added Match custom code section
added symmetric type for Results Matrix
added display options for Results Matrix - https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/32-results-matrix
added Match shortcode premium sections into the shortcode helper
added added Match, Player and Club type in Layout Builder
added "api-football.com" match parsing - offsides and ball possession statistic
added "api-football.com" - "Update kick-off time" action
optimized "api-football.com" - "Club Players" action
changed Settings and Tools menu items moved to a new special menu
changed most of premium settings moved from "Settings" to "FL+ Configurator"
v0.9.1 - 2019-10-05
fixed MatchWeeks slider invalid width in hidden tabs in Layout Builder
fixed countdown in Match scoreboard
fixed MatchWeeks slider show matches from all groups
changed "api-football.com" direct URL to "https://server1.api-football.com/"
improved "Next Match" widget improvements
improved Layout Builder minor fixes (new menu position, changed default competition format)
improved minor fixes
v0.9.0 - 2019-09-24
added layout builder for Competition - https://anwppro.userecho.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/382-how-to-use-layout-builder
v0.8.14 - 2019-08-29
fixed import "api-football.com" - IN/OUT substitutions are reverted in some competitions
v0.8.13 - 2019-08-29
improved widget "Calendar" - removed jQuery dependency (prevent conflicts with some plugins)
improved import "api-football.com" - improved events parsing (assigning players for cards and substitutions)
improved import "api-football.com" - improved performance on "Update Club Players & Squad" action
fixed penalty result is visible on "Hide score before click" active - https://anwppro.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/268-the-score-hide-does-not-hide-the-penalty-score
fixed using Stats modern layout in Match shortcode - https://anwppro.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/266-the-stats-does-not-appear-in-modern-layout-while-using-shortcode
fixed rendering custom numbers on match formation in Match shortcode - https://anwppro.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/265-player-number-not-showing-on-formation-while-using-shortcode
Customer support service by UserEcho