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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Thanks to Andrei

Sebastian J. 5 years ago 0

I just want to thank Andrei.

In my view, the implementation of the wishes of the users is going well.

Updates follow very quickly at the moment and attention is paid to user requests.

Just a big compliment for that. Thanks and keep it up.

In any case, the plugin has the possibility of one or the other top dog in the field of football plugins.

If one or the other eSports proposal is implemented in the future, then it can become number 1 in the scene.


Progress - 75%

Optimization for performance

lefaek 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 8 months ago 22


- caching system (save complex queries in transients and automatically flush them on dependent data instances have been changed)

- optimize scripts and styles and load them optionally on selected pages (Swiper, ECharts, Datatables, FlatPicker Calendar)

- image optimization (logos and player photos) - can be used 3d party plugins

- LIVE performance improvements

- load some content later by ajax (in hidden tabs, in hidden slides, in the list of games)

- image optimization plugin (in progress) - reduce small logos to 50*50 with tinypng API

- optimize DB structure (PRO version - player stats) to reduce the size and improve performance: maybe create statistic columns dynamically on save config


--- Original post ---

This script is amazing but too heavy. It could be lighter. Some tips for speed are:

1. All of anwp scripts and css loads in every page even not used. I use asset clean up and unload scripts that are not used in every pages. You can unload js/css by page/post or by post type ex. From all matches/clubs/etc pages.

I find what some js do. Echarts is for charts of course, easytimer is for livescore, datatables for player stats. But I don't know what propper/polyfilled/modal/airbnb does.

2. The script loads the original club image which is 150x150px (api import) and about 30kb. Is it possible to select to use the thumb of that image because now each of my pages has 1-1.5 mb just for club images


Update matches

almanacco 5 years ago updated by GaspareNet 2 years ago 8

It would be possible to update all the results of a competition in a single page (only scores) without having to open multiple tabs to update the matches?

Need Clarification

Android app

Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago updated by nick tsiantakis 2 years ago 5

Statistics for games managed for Staff (Coach)

amirsfc 2 years ago 0

For Staff (Coach) section in Premium Version, there’s a possibility to show Bio, History (Career - Previous Clubs and Duration), Bottom Content. Is there a possibility to show detailed of the games he coached (similar to players - game played page)? On top we can see number of games he coached (similar to players appearance).

On similar topic, perhaps this can be done also for referee - Games Refereed record.

Under review

Data Import - Import Players + add to team squad

Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago updated by Саша 3 years ago 5

Image 4210

A new option in the import tool "players - team squad". 

- club and season selector in the top

Such a tool will import players and also will create a team squad for the selected season. And it will be possible to import player number


Referees statistics

George Bastas 5 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3 1 duplicate

 I think  it will be very useful to know how many games each referee has every season..


Compatibility of the plugin with AMP pages

lorpro2011 3 years ago updated by RAMI ABU HADDA 2 years ago 1

Hi, it would be very useful for my site (and I think it is also useful for other users who use this plugin) the compatibility of the plugin with the AMP version of the sites, so as to be able to show in the AMP version, very used on mobile devices , results, rankings and other content and also to increase the traffic of my site. I hope it can be achieved.

On Hold

API Import - add Sportmonks Football API

Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 10
Under review

Заявочный лист + паспорт футболиста

Slavik Urchik 3 years ago updated by GaspareNet 2 months ago 14

Андрей, привет!
1. Можно ли сделать создать функцию экспорта игроков в разрезе команды заявленных на сезон на пример в формате xls или pdf, в виде заявочного листа на сезон?
2. Также, как идея, чтоб можно было в профиле игрока делать экспорт информации об игроке в виде паспорта футболиста, где бы была информация : фото, фио, дата рождения и за какой клуб заявлен на текущий момент.