Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community
Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug
Rules in short:
Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.

API Import - Create competitions and Leagues automatically.
- migrate from "api-football.com" API V2 to V3
- new user interface (UI)
- special wizard to easily create and config new competition
--- general round-robin competitions (e.g.: national leagues)
--- knockout competitions (e.g.: national cups)
--- complex multistage competitions (e.g.: international cups)

Thanks to Andrei
I just want to thank Andrei.
In my view, the implementation of the wishes of the users is going well.
Updates follow very quickly at the moment and attention is paid to user requests.
Just a big compliment for that. Thanks and keep it up.
In any case, the plugin has the possibility of one or the other top dog in the field of football plugins.
If one or the other eSports proposal is implemented in the future, then it can become number 1 in the scene.

Players photo instead of shirts in line-up
Players photo and possibly ratings as shown below instead of silly shirts 🙂

Home and away tables for leagues
Wish to have the option to show home and away-table for leagues. Maybe as an option from the main table.

Workflow Improvements
Planned UI and WorkFlow improvements
- action to set Club In as Player's current club
- action to add a player to the "Club In" squad
- set Club Out automatically
- action to Create new Transfer (on changing club, for example)
- action to add a player to the Club squad
- Check for inconsistent data in the Match edit page (Scores, Stats, Events)
- add a new Player selector UI (tabs for squad, current club, previous games, all players, and new player form)
- add actions to add players to the team squad
- action to Create new Transfer (on changing club, for example)
- action to change player current club in Squad
--Original Message--
Андрей, привет.
Я не устаю радоваться данному модулю, и с нетерпением жду новых обновлений.
Приделу идеала нет, по этому отправляю свою идею по оптимизации некоторых процессов.
К примеру:
1. если создаю игрока и выбираю в котором он клубе числится, то чтоб автоматом заявлен за данный клуб (скрины ниже).
Сейчас работает так: игрока создаю и указываю в котором он клубе числится, но если не зайду в сам клуб и не добавлю его в список игроков то он и не отображается в матчах.
2. Такая же ситуация и в трансферах, после проведенного трансфера опять таки нужно вручную заявлять в список игрока дабы он появлялся в матчах в списке.
Как по мне было бы очень удобно чтоб он был заявлен за клуб сразу после того как провел трансфер.
Спасибо, за внимание :)

Next match - TV broadcaster
Would it be possible to develop a new feature to enter the TV channel that will broadcast the match?
The channel could appear on several displays as "next match" (see example).
Thank you!

Optimization for performance
- caching system (save complex queries in transients and automatically flush them on dependent data instances have been changed)
- optimize scripts and styles and load them optionally on selected pages (Swiper, ECharts, Datatables, FlatPicker Calendar)
- image optimization (logos and player photos) - can be used 3d party plugins
- LIVE performance improvements
- load some content later by ajax (in hidden tabs, in hidden slides, in the list of games)
- image optimization plugin (in progress) - reduce small logos to 50*50 with tinypng API
- optimize DB structure (PRO version - player stats) to reduce the size and improve performance: maybe create statistic columns dynamically on save config
--- Original post ---
This script is amazing but too heavy. It could be lighter. Some tips for speed are:
1. All of anwp scripts and css loads in every page even not used. I use asset clean up and unload scripts that are not used in every pages. You can unload js/css by page/post or by post type ex. From all matches/clubs/etc pages.
I find what some js do. Echarts is for charts of course, easytimer is for livescore, datatables for player stats. But I don't know what propper/polyfilled/modal/airbnb does.
2. The script loads the original club image which is 150x150px (api import) and about 30kb. Is it possible to select to use the thumb of that image because now each of my pages has 1-1.5 mb just for club images

improve Live game events
ideas to improve Live Game events
1) sliding news ticker with latest Live events
2) include the scorer and the minute of the goal when the flashing takes place (screenshot below)

Dedicated shortcut to show only LIVE matches from API with a tab switcher
A dedicated shortcut to show only LIVE ongoing matches would be great. Also, a tab switcher where the user can switch (see image) between today's all matches and LIVE matches is a super good feature.
- Dedicated LIVE games shortcode
- Live switcher in Calendar Slider
Customer support service by UserEcho