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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


FL Teams, the logo is not displayed

GaspareNet 1 year ago in Widgets 0

I used the fl/teams widget on a page, set the competition and chose small logo.

On my site I still have not entered the logos of the teams (over 600)

Why is the empty_logo.jpg not displayed as it is in e.g. the match list?

Is it possible to have a third option "default logo"?

Image 7471

Image 7472


Next Match Widget to show more than one match

chicky365 1 year ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 12

It would  be good if the "Next Match" widget would allow to show more than one game. It would be useful if there was an option to select the number of games that you wanted to be shown in the widget -such as the next 2 or 3 fixtures.


Hyper link in FL Next/Last Match Widgets

chicky365 1 year ago in Widgets 0


Would it be possible to add hyperlinks to the text in FL Next Match and FL Last Match Widgets for the Competition and Clubs? 

This would allow the visitor to click through to the competition page to see all the fixtures or to the club page for for information?



GaspareNet 3 years ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 1

Is it possible to create iframe code to be provided to other sites?

Does your plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-html-js-shortcodes-by-anwppro/ have this function?


jump to next when match is postponed

Hans Petter 3 years ago in Widgets 0

When a match is postponed, the countdown doesn't jump to next fixture. Is it possible to change it, so when a match is postponed that will be ignored in the countdown until new date is set?


Average attendance

Hans Petter 3 years ago in Widgets 0

Possible to get a report (widget) for average attendance at matches, both for teams and for competition.


Changes in Livescore

Petar Konstantinov 3 years ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 2

We want to separate different leagues in the Livescore. Could the whole names of the teams be shown.

Could the games be allocated in different order - from the earliest one to the latest one. livescore.png 
livescore2 (1).png


Upcomming match counter styling

Mile Kusic 3 years ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 2

Hello, very great plugin.I have one problem in styling. I was not able to find a script for controling match countdown. I need a couple of span elements or if is it possible to controll html for the date elements in the script?

In the 'simple' countdown widget sorounding days, hours, minutes and seconds I need a wrapp element so I can style them. All i need realy is to add 'D' , 'S', 'M'. 'S' next to each value. 

Thanks in advance

Will be answered

Shortcodes in widget not works, "An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again."

Егор Юдин 3 years ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 3

Приветствую. Почему-то постоянно получаю ошибку, что на скриншоте. Тема стоит Aneto, чего-то стороннего нет.

Image 3058


widget last match

Sjepolleke 4 years ago in Widgets updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 2

Is there a bug in the last match widget? The result isn't showing anymore, just two black boxes.
Can you check, please?